Judges CrossFit Course - Jan 18/17
CrossFit Judges Course
The 2017 CrossFit Judges course is now live online. Each year the CrossFit Judges Course is an online course that offers an introduction to the skills a CrossFit Judge will use during any competition. It is a prerequisite to judge during the open, or on site during Regionals and the Games.This course provides an overview of the knowledge and skills used during competition, including movement standards, common faults and repetition counting. Every course will conclude with a final exam & you must successfully complete this course each year.Outside of competition judging, the course offers a great look into movement standards which can help us understand how to move when trying to perfect out movements.
To take the course;
Visit CrossFit.com
Wednesday January 18th 2017
CLEAN & JERK(5+3) (5+3) (5+3) (3+3) (3+3) (3+3)40%- 50%-60%-70%-80%-80%.
Workout Of the Day:
Lvl 4 Comp
.Lvl 2 Fitness
.Lvl 1 Technique
Cash Out: Core Work
3-5 Rds10 Hollow Rocks10 V-Ups10 Crunchers10 sec. Hollow Hold.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD