FriYAY Benchmark Isabel -June 23/17
This is one of those CrossFit Benchmark workouts that is meant to leave you laying on the floor wondering "what just happened to you." After all, that's why Coach Greg Glassman named the benchmark WODs after women! ((His words, not ours.)) That means this is a workout that is meant for you to find intensity. This benchmark is meant to be fast and dirty, not slow and heavy, so pick your weight accordingly!Let's refer back to our blog post from Jan 24th/17 "Find Intensity"! A quote in that post from Miranda Oldroyd. “You need to take off the weight vest, and stop adding weight until you start seeing times that would rival Regional level athletes. Until then – go faster.” Check out Sam vs. Annie with a 50 rep Isabel. (Note that the ladies both finish "Isabel" which is 30 reps at around the 1:33 mark.) Granted that these are two of the fittest women in the world and they have both proven that by winning the CrossFit Games. We don't expect everyone in the gym to hit times that are sub 2mins. But we do want you to feel the same stimulus that they feel. In order to make that happen, you may need to strip down the weights, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that!
Friday June 23, 2017
Workout Of the Day: CrossFit Benchmark
"Isabel"30 Snatch for time135/95.Lvl 2 Fitness95/65.Lvl 1 Technique75/55.Lvl 4 Competitor Sub 3 mins.
Cash Out:
.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.