Holiday Hours - Friday, December 13th, 2019

Holiday Hours

Please note the following will be our hours during the Holiday Season.

Dec 24th - Closing at 2pmDec 25th - ClosedDec 26th - 12pm WOD OnlyDec 31st - Closing at 2pmJan 1st - 9:30am WOD Only

It’s a busy time of the year for classes, with people taking vacation time, but also with visiting CrossFitters dropping in.  Signing in is always mandatory.  But it’s extra important that you not forget!  We do not want to have to turn you away because a class has reached its cap + if we have a drop in contact us + the class isn’t full, we will allow them to book it.It’s also important for you to be signing in on Zenplanner, as our most up to date schedule is on zen.  If there are any changes to class times, because of schedule or weather, we update zenplanner first!As we have in the past, we’re also going to ask | remind those who attend open gym to also please make sure you’re signing in for Open gym.  It’s getting busier, + open gyms times are subject to change based on bookings, events, + schedule, also if we ever have to cancel, or close due to the inclement weather this ensures we’re able to see who was planning to attend to contact directly, so please ensure you’re signing in.Much appreciated.  Thank you!

Friday, December 13th, 2019


Snatch or Clean Complex

E2MOM x6

1 Clean/snatch Pull

1 Hang clean/snatch Pull

2 Hang power cleans/Snatch

3 Squat cleans/snatch



EMOM 30:

1 Squat Snatch or clean at 80%

Level 2:

1 power Snatch @ 70%

Level 1:

2 Hang power Snatch or clean ( light)

Cash Out:

Coaches ChoiceCheck back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD .Contact us:Address: 200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5Phone: (705) 444-0006Follow us on Instagram @crossfit_indestri


Being Mindful - Monday, December 16th, 2019


Friday Nights - Thursday, December 12th, 2019