Friday August 18/17

Whats a chipper?

The name Chipper describes a workout that combines a lot of different movements at high volume.You complete all reps assigned for each exercise before moving on to the next. Unlike the Rounds seen in a lot of CrossFit workouts, a Chipper is performed only once. The best approach is to work methodically through each exercise. If you’re not competing in the CrossFit Games themselves, there’s no need to hammer away at top speed; Chippers are brutal regardless, so pace yourself.Assembling a great CrossFit Chipper Workout of the Day (WOD) is a creative process, and the results are often epic workouts. The 2009 CrossFit Games’ Chipper wass exactly that. Dave Castro and Tony Budding programmed a gem just minutes before the equipment was set up. In my humble opinion, it’s one of the best WODs ever. The workout is a series of Olympic lifts, gymnastic movements, and classic CrossFit skills, and completing it requires a combination of skill, stamina, strength, and mental toughness. It’s no wonder this was the final workout of the 2009 CrossFit Games, as it brings together so much of what CrossFit is all about.

This was THE '09 "CHIPPER" ( We are not doing this today.. but maybe one day)

15 CLEANS @155lbs.30 TOES TO BAR30 BOX JUMP15 MUSCLE-UP30 PUSH PRESS @ 40lb. DBs30 DOUBLE UNDER15 THRUSTER @ 135lbs.30 PULL-UP30 BURPEE300-FOOT OVERHEAD WALKING LUNGE With 45-lb. plate.... What a beauty....

A little insight into my mind:

When I sit down to write a chipper, which honestly are my favorite to write and have become notorious for ending a week with the affects lasting until Monday :) I think about where we have been so far that week in the program, where we are going and then what movements will present challenge, but be able to do at a decent rep scheme without breaking to long. A chipper in my mind should be done with consistent movement, if you hear me in these workouts I'm constantly reminding you to"break early and rest shorter"By this I mean to take, a break before you get exhausted or hit failure and then take a shorter rest and get right back to work. Example being, If I was doing 100 push ups and at 10 push ups I was either failing or just squeezing it out, then taking 10-15 secs rest to do another set.. I would Stop it and switch to 5 push ups, breaking fresh and resting 3-4 secs and hit another 5 until that same affect came then I might drop to 3 reps, 3 secs rest, and possible end with singles ( 1 rep) with 2 sec rest)( I say that now but as we all know it Doesn't  always work out that way, but if we stay to technique and work efficiently we can master the chipper and possibly get past that feeling of dread when you see one.The best of luck with today'sStouty

Friday August 18, 2017


Group Warm Up.

Workout Of the Day:

I call this "The nature of the Beast"For time:15 ft Hs walk30 T2B45 Wall Balls 20/1460 Kb Swing 24/1690 DU60 Db push Press 50/3545 Med ball sit ups30  ft DB OH walking Lunge 50/3515 Med ball Clean toss over Box 30/24 Burpee box jump over.

Lvl 2 Fitness

For time:7 Wall Walks30 Knee Raises45 Wall Balls 20/1460 Kb Swing 20/1290 DU mix60 Db push Press 35/2045 Med ball sit ups 20/1430 ft DB OH walking Lunge 35/2015 Med ball Clean toss over Box 24/16 Burpee box jump over.

Lvl 1 Technique:

For time:15 ft Bear crawl sand bag drag30 Knee Raises45 Wall Balls 14/1060 Kb Swing 16/890 Singles60 Db push Press45 Med ball sit ups 14/1030 ft PVC OH walking lunge15 Med ball Clean toss over Box 24/16 Burpee box jump over.

Cash Out:

ROMWOD.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.

Contact us:

Address200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5
Phone(705) 444-0006
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Saturday - Coach Stouty Aug 19/17


Michael Hero WOD -Thursday Aug 17/17