Support Local - Friday, April 17th, 2020
Support Local
At the heart of Collingwood, has always been the local businesses. Yes back in the day the shipyards were a major player in the local economy, + of course we have a few local factories as well. But Collingwood has always had incredible small local businesses.Stouty, Steph + I (Jen) were all born + raised in Collingwood, + our parents were all small local business owners here, from sporting goods, to a local gas station + an insurance brokerage. For well over 60 years, our families have owned businesses, + now we do as well.So supporting local businesses has always been important to us. But even more so now than ever.We also have a bunch of you in our CrossFit Indestri family who are local business owners.Small businesses are currently finding creative ways to ensure their businesses survive the COVID-19 pandemic. From free home delivery, to online shopping, virtual services + classes, etc.So, here's what we would like to do.We want to put together a list of you're local businesses + what you're currently doing to share with everyone + help support you right now. We appreciate all of you that are continuing to support us! It truly means the world to us. The honest truth is, for all small businesses, without the support of our local community it will be really hard to get through this!So let us share your business + what's happening for you during this, with the hopes we can help support you as well! Email + we'll put together a list to share on a blog post next week!
Friday, April 17th, 2020
Equipment:DB, KB,Home Options: *These are just some suggestions, please select items you can use safely.Sandbag, Backpack,
Buy In:
Amrap 2 mins5 Pull ups or rows5 inch worms10 Air squatRest 1 minAmrap 2 mins5 burpees10 jumping lunge10 Glute bridgeFollowed byCoach led mobility
Cossack Squats3 min EMOM: 10 reps Pike Push Ups3 min EMOM: 5-7 repsWeighted Squats4 min EMOM: 7 ( heavy) 12 (Light)
If you have equipment;
15 min AMRAP25m walking lunge weighted50 Sh2Oh25 Weighted sit ups (finish overhead)50 dips ( chair or banded )25 Weighted squats50’ HS Walk or 50 Plank Sh. taps25 Broad Jump Back & forth50 Mountain climbers25 HSPU Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD .Contact us:Address: 200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5Phone: (705) 444-0006Follow us on Instagram @crossfit_indestri