Crossfit Indestri WOW for week of February 9th 2015
We are the largest Box in the area and have the best members by far! What a week! We hit some tough Wods, we learned some new scales and definitely got some great skill work accomplished. The reign of Steph continues this week and she has more skill work and some fantastic looking WODs for you to challenge your fitness with.This past weekend was packed with Snow shoeing and ski skating. Thanks to all those who participated in Romp to stomp! This was the 8th Annual Tubbs Romp to Stomp Out Breast Cancer snowshoe event. Indestri led the warm up as we have in the past 3 years. Thanks to coaches Steph and Shannon as well as assistants Emma & Hannah Nicholl!It's an event that raises money for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation in turn helping to find some of the most cutting edge research in Breast Cancer today. But it's also an event that promotes getting outside and being active in our winter months. Hundreds of men, women and children dress up, throw on tons of pink and stomp through the beautiful trails at scenic caves!
Tubbs photos from: www.mycollingwood.caWe also had a Ski skate night at Duntroon Highlands Nordic.Thanks to Kelly for setting this up. We will post pictures via FB site this week!
It's great to see Indestri coming together for the community and getting out to show off your fitness and have fun! We plan on keeping a jammed packed calendar of events to keep you moving and meeting new members! join in on the fun.
Speaking of Fun...
The open is getting closer. There is a scaled and an Rx division, we would love for everyone to sign up and get in on the fun. At the Friday night workouts we will be doing the open Wod announced Thursday night and will have randomly selected teams for us to compete, win prizes for best dressed, greatest spirit and of course treats and adult beverages. It is an amazing way to have fun, set a Pr and cheer on your fellow community members. Ive already heard some costume ideas and it sounds like its going to be amazing! Sign up here:
Open Sign up
Bowl For Kids Sake
The annual Big Brother Big Sister Bowl For Kid’s Sake kicks off February 20th and runs through until March 27th. This would be a great event for Indestri to be a part of. We talk about the wonderful community experience we have at Indestri. Let’s take that out into the community that we love so much and share! We would like to send multiple teams and make a night of it. Teams of 4-5 are needed. To participate, each individual is asked to raise $40 in pledges or you can just pay the $40 yourself for this great cause. This event is a ton of fun and great night out for Indestri families. Yes, you can put family teams in! Contact Michelle Kusiar,, for more information and to sign up. If you’ve collected your full team, great! Michelle will help you with registration details. If you don’t have a team but want to participate, she’ll get you on a team. Please contact Michelle as soon as possible so that she can secure lanes.
New Equipment
You may of noticed there is some new stuff in the box, thanks to Coach Todd on building us 5 new Boxes! There is a Ski erg by the rowers ask a coach how to use it, this is great option for those with knee issues and also great for strengthening shoulders. There is also a new squat rack and 2 new benches. This equipment does not come cheap so please treat with respect.Also there is a shipment on way full of pains and gains... we have 4 assault Bikes on route.. your cardio and strength training just went to a whole new dimension.. if you don't know what these are google it or think Air dyne on Steroids... To get more gains you need to work harder but by working harder the bike gets tougher :) there is no winning just surviving. (Tyson is really happy about these)
Helpful Hint for this week: Split Snatch
This week you will notice we will be teaching the Split snatch and below are some tips to think about before learning this movement. I personally believe this movement is safer and easier to execute compared to the squat snatch.
THE START (figure 1)
The best starting position for most athletes is with the feet positioned hip-width apart and the toes pointed slightly out. From a standing position over the bar, you should be able to see at least the tips of your toes in front of the bar... How do you determine the width of your grip? A general rule is to tak e a grip wide enough so that your arms form a 45-d egree angle w ith the bar. Keep your arms straight but not locked. Next, curl your wrists towards you until the top of your hands are perpendicular to the floor. This will rotate your elbows out to your sides so the bar will be more likely to travel straight up (rather than back) at the top of the pull. Many coaches believe you should start with your shoulders in front of the bar. But athletes with a relatively short back often perform better with their shoulders directly over the bar. Regardless of where your shoulders are, keep the bar close to your shins. Stick your chest out and place your head inline with your back. Some athletes prefer to look straight ahead, but I've found that this position often causes them to swing the bar too much. Finally, move your arms so your elbows are in line with the middle of the knees. This technique should move your hips into the correct position, which for most athletes is slightly higher than knee level.
INITIAL PULL (figure 2)
Keeping the bar close to the body, lift the weight to knee level the bar by pushing with your legs without straightening your back (figure 2). The bar should reach a position where it is in line with the middle of your kneecaps.
POWER POSITION ( figure 3)
Continue pushing with the legs until your knees are almost completely straight. You will have to straighten your- back slightly to do this, and you will have to pull the bar towards your body rather than straight up. At this time the bar will have reached the power position.The power position is the place where you will be able to produce the most force on the bar. Your shoulders should be on top of (or slightly in front of) the bar, and you should feel your bodyweight centered on the middle of your feet. For some athletes this means the bar will be resting on the middle of the thighs. For others the bar will be resting on the top of the thighs.
SHRUG (figure 4)
From the power position, you now fully straighten your legs (but do not lock the knees) and shrug your shoulders. Your arms are still straight.
DROP UNDER ( figures 5 & 6)
Now is the time when the arms go to work, and their purpose is to help pull you under the bar. As the arms bend, your legs begin to jump into the split position.
When your feet land the bar should be positioned overhead as shown in figure 7. Your front knee should be slightly in front of the foot and the rear knee should be slightly bent. The heel of the rear foot is off the floor, so your balance is on the ball of the foot. Photos 1 and 2 show the difference between the receiving positions of the Split Snatch and the Squat Snatch. In the Squat the upper arms (humerus bones) must rotate back much further than in the split style. This position crates a stress that may cause or aggravate a shoulder injury. Most athletes can lift more weight in the Squat style because they can fix the bar overhead in a lower position, but the muscles are working equally as hard in both lifts.
RECOVERY (figure 8)
Complete the lift by first straightening your front leg and then your rear leg. If you perform the lift incorrectly, you might have to recover first with your rear leg. It's common practice to teach the Split Snatch by teaching it from the top down. First, learn the receiving position by practicing a Drop Snatch. From a standing position, place a barbell behind your neck and spread your hands apart to the Snatch Width. Now jump into the Split position while pressing the weight to straight arms. Recover to the standing position and repeat. Do 3-5 reps. When you become comfortable with jumping into this receiving position, practice the lift from the power position (figure 3). When you've mastered this segment of the lift, practice it from knee level (you can rest the barbell on blocks set at this height) and finally from the floor.Diagrams courtesy form Steve Beebe Hope this Helps! Your coaches will help you through this movement as always. some teaching points will vary and thats why we love our coaches. Each understands the purpose of the lift and have slightly different approaches with the same purpose.And Now for the the main Event!Lets get ready to rumble with This weeks WOW!
Monday: A Nice but you want? then squats you must do!
Buy IN: Row, Run & Jump together!Group3 roundsRow 150m row1x Shuttle Run10 Burpee Broad JumpsGym-Nasty: We can teach you skills to pay the bills but strict is still the best.10-10-10Kip Swings on Bar
Focus: I don't like what Squats do for my but... Said no one ever!Front Squat 5x5WOD: Rowing, Lactic threshold and Burpees... how's your heart rate now?"Consistency is Key"6x250m Row Sprints(Stay with in 5 Second of all your sets ordo 3 burpee penalty with every second off!)Cash Out: Pull.. then push :)Tabata push ups
Tuesday: Split vs Squat either works.. just don't do both at the same time.
Buy IN: Blame Steph for this one... 3-5 Mins2 Laps forward2 Laps Backwards2 Laps Left Shuffle2 Laps Right ShuffleEMOM 6mins7Wall Balls3-7 Push Ups7 Atomic Sit UpsGym-Nasty: I think Handstand photos are the new Crossfit selfie30s-30s-30sHandstand Holds/ Plate holds over headFocus: An aggressive split is key to a good clean snatch ;)Split Snatch 5x5Benchmark Wod: She's Back!!! Iron? no thats blood your tasting :) cough cough
FRAN12min CAP21-15-9Thrusters 95/65 & Pull ups
Cash Out: if you want to sit on the toilet un assisted... you will take partCoach Lead Foam Roll
Wednesday: Chuck Norris did a 20 min AMRAP in 5min
Buy In: Double Under's are a skill so practice themEMOM 6mins10-60 Double UndersIf you are doing less than 25 duContinuously skip for remaining timeGym - Nasty: Strict is Fair policy in effect3-2-2Strict Pull UpsFocus: Think Violence!SDLHP 5x5(go light and be explosive as Tyson would say "think violence!!!"... this movement isn't about how much weight you can move it how well you can move it!)WOD: I think Stephs title says it better than anything i can come up with"F*%$ My Life"20 Minute AMRAP1 RepSquat Clean Thruster to Push Press to Push Jerk 155/1053 RepsHSPU/Pike Push Ups5 RepsWall Bals25 RepsDouble UndersCash Out: if your body was hollow.. these holds would be impossibleTabata Hollow Body Holds
Thursday: Stronger = Strength day (Yeah that's Kelly Clarkson)
Buy In: hahahaha another beep test... then Amrap? Steph is mean!Beep Test STOP at Stage 5.Then 5 min AMRAP10 Mtn Climbers10 Atomic Sit ups10 Dot Drill10 Squat jumps to straight legsGym - Nasty: Don't be so Negative and just Dip and swing :)Ring Dip Neg2-2-2Strength Day!KB Push Press5-5-5-5-5Tall Cleans5-5-5-5-5Lateral Lunges10-10-10-10-10Cash Out: I bet you wish every minute was foam rollingEMOM for 5 mins2 or 3 reps1 Kip Swing1 Kipping Pull Up (chin over)1 Kipping C2B1 Kipping Bar MU or T2B
Friday: If you made to today you have done something most people couldn't do and be stoked you did it... I think Steph is trying to kill us!
Buy In: Wall balls aren't just done one way!Row 999m EasyEMOM 6min5 wall balls5 WB Sit ups5 Backwards tossGym Nasty: Get used to being upside down this monthDef. HSPU/ HSPU/Pike Push Up3-3-3Skill work: will you squat or split?SnatchBurpee Tech - get down and get back up, no matter how efficient you are.. they still suck, just a bit less with correct techniqueWOD: Open season gets us all a little nervous... feed off that and crush one of these Wods.Open WOD 13.1 "BUCK FURPEES"13.1Proceed through the sequence below completing as many reps as possible in 17 minutes of:40 Burpees45/75 pound Snatch, 30 reps30 Burpees75/135 pound Snatch, 30 reps20 Burpees100/165 pound Snatch, 30 reps10 burpees120/210 pound Snatch, as many reps as possibleCash Out: Swing your way into the weekend!KB Swings UNBROKEN Choose a weight that is manageable for the sets50-40-30-20In Conclusion:So there we have it again another awesome week lined up for you at Indestri! just try to cherry pick... there is no easy way out hahahahahaha (evil Laugh) but seriously have fun learning and crushing yourself, that's why you Crossfit!Also heres a sneak peek at the apparel on its way! Hopefully ready for the weekend, we will keep you posted! check updates on our Facebook site and at gym.
Barbells For Boobs
I have started a team to raise an ambitious amount of money for team: Crossfit Indestri loves boobsSign up here I LOVE BOOBS AND JOIN THE TEAM!I lost my mother Sandra Stoutenburg to cancer and it's groups like Barbells for Boobs that help fight this terrible cause. Early Detection is the first step and could be the only one needed! From yours trulyChris ”Yes I like Kelly Clarkson and T-Swift, wanna arm wrestle over who's more manly?” StoutenburgCrossFit Indestri "The Original Crossfit"200 Mountain Road, Unit 3 Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5 705 444 0006