Crossfit Indestri WOW for week of February 16th 2015
Already Half way through February... where does the time go?At least we know that if its -30 outside we still have a place that you can go to sweat!The past week we had some great new additions in equipment and members, You will notice the assault bikes are in and will find their way into the program for sure, there is now 5 benches, 5 new boxes that are 20x24x32 so no matter what way you flip them you can get an Rx height and the ski Erg was getting a lot of use this week as well. We want you to get the best experience you can at Indestri and that is why we are working through things at a pace that is manageable but still beneficial to you the community.YOGA!That being said we finally have found our yoga instructor, her name is Vicki Roswell and she is excited to start teaching. We are just finalizing a schedule and it will be released this week. Vicki does "yoga on the go" and did her training at the Yandra Yoga Institute. We are excite to add this to your membership, the cost for attending yoga will be an 5 dollars a month on your membership if you choose to participate. ( can't even find a drop in 1 class at that rate)Indestri Clothing:Its printed and up for order, lots of great shirts, Tanks and Hoodies/1/4 zipper sweats. There will be an addition of kids shirts and women's tights hopefully by the end of the week. Be sure to either order online or just swing by loose goose to pick it up. We have samples in the box for you to view as well as a basic Tee for purchase or any out of town drop in. click HERE to order online.
There is also WheelWod T-shirts for Sale and you can purchase that through loose goose as well! Online or link is: is an online tool and seminar Tyson and I have developed to teach fitness to coaches and athletes to be able to integrate people who use wheelchairs into their box We also post through our website to share programming and a bit of competition for wheelchair users. proceeds from shirt sales go towards keeping this program low cost!
Upcoming Events:Crossfit OPENThe open is getting closer. There is a scaled and an Rx division, we would love for everyone to sign up and get in on the fun. At the Friday night workouts we will be doing the open Wod announced Thursday night and will have randomly selected teams for us to compete, win prizes for best dressed, greatest spirit and of course treats and adult beverages. It is an amazing way to have fun, set a Pr and cheer on your fellow community members. Ive already heard some costume ideas and it sounds like its going to be amazing! Sign up here:
Open Sign up
Bowl For Kids Sake
The annual Big Brother Big Sister Bowl For Kid’s Sake kicks off February 20th and runs through until March 27th. This would be a great event for Indestri to be a part of. We talk about the wonderful community experience we have at Indestri. Let’s take that out into the community that we love so much and share! We would like to send multiple teams and make a night of it. Teams of 4-5 are needed. To participate, each individual is asked to raise $40 in pledges or you can just pay the $40 yourself for this great cause. This event is a ton of fun and great night out for Indestri families. Yes, you can put family teams in! Contact Michelle Kusiar,, for more information and to sign up. If you’ve collected your full team, great! Michelle will help you with registration details. If you don’t have a team but want to participate, she’ll get you on a team. Please contact Michelle as soon as possible so that she can secure lanes.
Barbells For Boobs
I have started a team to raise an ambitious amount of money for team: Crossfit Indestri loves boobsSign up here I LOVE BOOBS AND JOIN THE TEAM!I lost my mother Sandra Stoutenburg to cancer and it's groups like Barbells for Boobs that help fight this terrible cause. Early Detection is the first step and could be the only one needed!
Tip of the Week: 8 tips to a better bench1. Keep a tight grip on the bar at all times, a tighter grip equates to more tension in the lower arms, upper back and chest.2. Try to bend the bar to create torque on the lift.3. Elbows should be tucked and end up at approximately 45 degrees from your side.4. Unrack the weight and take a deep breath and hold it.5. Row the weight down to your chest by pulling the bar apart like a bent over row. Do not relax and let the weight drop.6. Back, hips, glutes and legs are tight and isometrically contracted.7. When you touch your chest, drive your feet downward and reverse the movement.8. Lock out the elbows WITHOUT arching your back off the bench. Lets keep up the great work and we will continue to make your time at Indestri a great one!And now for this weeks Wow!
The Reign Of Steph is closing out.. Im sure she has some plans to make the next few weeks a great fun experience (HAHAHAHAHA)But Seriously have fun this looks like a great week of Fitness!
Monday February 16th FAMILY DAY
10am Family DAY WODTime:10-11:30Programmed by Coach Stouty (its A surprise, but its not bacon... I don't share my bacon)
Tuesday February 17th: Its getting squat in Here
Buy IN: did you think there wouldn't be squats?ROW 250mThen:EMOM 10 mins10-20 DU10 KB Swings5 Goblet Squats Gymnasty Skills: If you like it you should of put a ring on it!3-10 Second2x Static Hold @ Support on Rings2x Static Hold @ Bottom of Dip Focus: Don't be a Jerk... seriously KB Split Jerk5-5-3-3-3 WOD: Body weight & Barbells are staples to a Crossfit balanced diet3RFT20 Pull Ups5 Clean and Jerk20 Box Jumps1 Split Snatch20 Burpees5 Squat Clean Thrusters*Choose a weight that you are able to split snatch for 1Rep* Cash Out: choose your weight wisely....21-18-15UNBROKEN Wall Balls
Wednesday February 18th: Wanna go for a bike ride?
Buy IN: Remember Circuit Training? Johnny 5 is alive3 mins of Mobility12 minutesGroups of 3 (2x45sec work with 15 sec rest)Station 1: Assault BikeStation 2: Hurdle HopsStation 3: Inch Worm (out & In)Station 4: RowingStation 5: Sled pushesStation 6: Wall Balls Gymnasty Skill: Sorry but you are no longer in the band.. you'll have to hang out at the bar.Strict Pull Ups3-3-2 Focus: Squats love got to do with it? Its a second Lunge in motion..Back Squats1-1-1-1-1super set with Lunges8-8-8-8-8 WOD: Just be glad is only down the ladder, I know she was thinking of coming back up!50-40-30-20-10Double Unders (Scale: 5 singles attempt a double)KB SwingsBetween each round perform5 Back Squats 70% of 1 rep Max CashOut: Just keep telling your self its only 5 minsEMOM 5 MIns25 Atomic Sit Ups*AMRAP Last minute*
Thursday February 19th: 1 rep Max... do you even lift Bro?
Buy IN: Sharing is caringEMOM 12 minutes1st 10 Slam Balls2nd 6-10 Windshield Wipers w Barbell3rd 10 Empty Barbell Thrusters* Three Groups and Everyone will rotate through to share equipment* Strength DAY: Batman became a better hero with the Benchpress... and science a lot of it was science.1 RM Bench PressCleans3-3-3-3-3Dips3-3-3-3-3ss withHSPU/Pike Push Ups5-5-5-5-5 Cashout: Roll out!Mobility
Friday February 20th: Imagine making it Back to the rower, 14.3 ugh
Buy IN: Steph really seems to like the beep test, feel free to tell her how much you like it! you probably won't see it next week.Beep Test STOP @ stage 6Then:5 Min AMRAP2 Pull Ups (Strict)4 Push Ups6 Squats Gymnasty Skills: kip to the lew my darlingKip Swing on Rings7-7-7 Focus: Big pull, slow return.Rowing TechniquePower Clean Technique WOD: Um yeah, Im gonna need you to get a muscle up by the end of the Wod ok?14.314 min AMRAP60-calorie row50 toes-to-bars40 wall-ball shots, 20 lb. to 10-foot target30 cleans, 135 lb/95lbs or (Age55+115lbs/65lbs) .20 muscle-ups or Scaled C2B/Pull Ups Cash Out: Earn those weekends treats! For CAL's2x 30 second Sprint on Assault BikesSo there it is! another fantastic week of fitness at Indestri, don't forget to get your new clothing. Keep it fresh and do cleans, thats how the song goes right? see you in the box!From yours truly
Chris”I heard your sore from squats? so I programmed thrusters and cleans to help you recover”StoutenburgCrossFit Indestri "The Original Crossfit"200 Mountain Road, Unit 3Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5705 444