Crossfit Indestri WOW for week of February 23rd 2015
It's Finally Here!This Thursday night is the announcement of the first Crossfit Open WOD.We will be hosting Friday night lights at Indestri and will be having an in house teams competition. All members signed up will be randomly grouped into teams and assigned a coach to your team. At the end of each open WOD the team with the most points will get a prize as well there will be weekly prizes for best dressed, most spirit and best performance! I encourage all of you to sign up, there is an Rx and scaled division this year and its not just about competing as it is also about community! We have a great time every Friday night! There will be snacks and beverages for all. Come on out! Join the fun, meet the rest of your community! you can sign up until Sunday at 5pm.Crossfit open Sign up
Are you ready? its here and we are happy to announce we will be holding class at Indestri Wednesday Nights and Saturday Mornings to start. The Saturday Morning time is still being finalized but Wednesday nights will be at 7:30pm(start the 25th of Feb)Our new Instructor is Vicki Roswell:Vicki’s journey with yoga began over 7 years ago when she joined her first gym. She quickly realized the physical benefits of yoga and it became a welcomed addition to her weekly workout routine. She was excited that yoga eased sore muscles, improved flexibility, and enhanced strength and stability! Although staying in shape through yoga was amazing, she began to fall in love with the deeper benefits of the practice. She became less stressed, more mindful, and genuinely connected!Vicki completed her 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training at the Yandara Yoga Institute in Baja, Mexico and is passionate about sharing the benefits of yoga with everyone, everywhere! With the guiding philosophy that the world is a yoga studio, Vicki has cultivated “Everywhere Yoga: mobile wellness studio” where she encourages people to make yoga a part of their everyday lives.When Vicki isn't doing yoga, she is enjoying nature, hiking, biking, or snowboarding. In short, she’s generally excited about life!We feel Vicki is the right fit for Indestri and are excited to offer this program to Indestri Members for an additional $5 a month on your membership. Take advantage of the program, where else can you get Crossfit and Yoga in the same membership for such a great price?Drop in fees outside of the Indestri membership are welcome at $10 dollars first class and $15 after or purchase class passes. Clothing For Sale!
The Indestri clothing is up for sale, you can order right on line and have shipped to your house or pick up at Loose Goose Canada, if you want a different clothing piece they will custom design for you as well, just go to:64 Hurontario Street (downtown Collingwood)
We are putting together teams for bowl for kids Sake! if you are interested please contact Michelle Kusiar and arrange to join a team or submit your own. The Date will be Wednesday March 25th at 7:30
Sign up for our team to raise money for Breast Cancer!We will be doing a WOD in April as a box to raise money for the cause.Sign up here: Team name is Indestri loves Boobs
March 26th Purple dayIndestri will be doing "Grace for Grace" and selling shirts, snacks and other goodies to raise money for epilepsy.
What is Purple Day?
TIP of the Week: Over Head Squat
The overhead squat is a punk.
It is one lift that vexes CrossFitters and weightlifters alike. Arms collapse, knees come forward, you go up on your toes, and sometimes it feels like your back muscles are about to snap. In my opinion you only need a strong OHS for one reason - to complete the snatch. Although we use it in CrossFit workouts all the time, in reality, the overhead squat is simply one of the elements of a properly executed snatch. In order to snatch heavier weight, you need to be comfortable coming out of the hole with a lot of weight over your head.So to me that's why we train the overhead squat in Crossfit.Here are a few tips to help you work through this difficult lift:
Use a barbell! Do not try to learn how to overhead squat with a PVC pipe. (PVC is a good tool to warm up if you already are very confident in your technique or beginning a warm up)
But when training, if you truly cannot overhead squat a 20kg bar, use a 15kg bar or a lighter training bar. Part of the difficulty of an overhead squat is keeping the bar over your base. It's possible to lock out a PVC pipe in all sorts of places that aren't correct without even realizing it. You need to be able to feel where the bar should be so that you can ingrain the correct positioning, and using a barbell instead of PVC helps make this possible.
One of the main issues I see is lockout stability. That bar should be locked out over your base so tightly that if I stand behind you and press down on the bar, it will not move. Get tight! The main cues I use for this are:
- Wrists back! For some reason, I see a lot of people who have learned to overhead squat or snatch with their knuckles pointing forward. This is putting the weight of the bar on your poor little thumb joint. Get your wrists back and put your palms toward the sky like you are doing a pushup on the ceiling. If your knuckles are forward, the bar is going to want to come forward. Don't let it!
- Bend/pull apart the bar! Pull that bar apart like it's a rubber band and you're going to shoot that kid in class that used to shoot everyone. (unless you were that kid then you know what I'm talking about) When you pull the bar apart, it forces your elbows to lock and makes your upper back tighten up
- Spread the Floor with your feet and lock down! Stand in your squat stance and before you begin your Squat apply pressure to the heels and outside of mid foot. (attempt to rip the floor apart with your feet) you should still be able to wiggle your toes. Last step before you begin to engage into you posterior chain squat, take a big breath inflate your chest and lock down from head to toes stacking everything in a straight line.
So I hope this helps! try to implement these tips in your lifts this week and your coaches will have more tips and cues that may help you master this difficult lift. Understand even the greatest weightlifters & Crossfitters struggle with this lift and its not an over night "oh I get it" if you do not practice or stay on top of mobility and continue to develop your core this lift can disappear as fast as cookies left near Tyson. Ok so with all that said lets get down to brass tax and this week is definitely Spicy! Or as my freshly 2 yr old son Q says "Spassey"
This Weeks WOW at INDESTRI
Monday February 23rd
Buy In: Crossfit pick up line, Amrap my arms around you and never let you go, Wod you think about that?500m RowThen:7 Min AMRAP7 atomic Sit Ups7 SquatsLength Broad Jump Gymnasty Skills: when I dip, you dip, We dipRing Dip with knee raise/Kip7-1Focus: Here and Mobility are the only places bands are allowed!Banded Shoulder Press3-3-3-3-3WOD: How many push press can I do... All of them!15 MIn CAPRing Dips 1-10Push Press 10-1After completion of Dips and press complete10 unbroken double unders before you move 1 Ring Dip 10 Push Press 10 DU 2 RIng Dips 9 Push Press 10 Du...etc...Cash Out: Remember pull ups? I like to call them "Earth pull downs."Unbroken Pull UpsChoose your amount 5-20Choose your scalecomplete 3 setsRest AS LONG AS NEEDED
Tuesday February 24th
Buy IN: Its a box jump, get your mind out of the gutter!2 Rounds10 BJ10 Push Ups10 10 Wall BallsThen5min EMOM30 secs Double undersGymnasty Skills: Here hold this, I'll be right back3x30sec HS Hold/Plate HoldFocus: They see me Rowing, They Hatin!Row 250m x4 - Rest 1:1WOD: When I get Tired, I just stop being tired and be awesome. True story..."Just Keep Going!"30,27,24,21,18,15,12,9,6,3Russian KB Swings 24/16Sit UpsLateral Box Shuffle (8/12/20)Immediately following your workout complete:CashOut: Reminder the chalk bucket is not for puke!2x 20 CAL Assault Bikes
Wednesday February 25th
Buy IN: "Did he just say sally up with push ups to planks?"Coach Lead Dynamic Warm UpGymnasty Skills: Kip from your knees? WTF? (come to class find out)Kip from Knees3x3orJump then land in Squat3x10Focus: The only time you'd rather SnatchOH Squat5-5-5-5-5WOD: FYI - It's not Cindy Brady.. and it's 20 minutes no matter how much you beg or bargain.
Benchmark"CINDY"20 Min AMRAP5 pull ups10 push ups15 SquatsCashOut: Amraps keep on running, and know Mary will be coming, Rolling, rolling rolling on a foam roll!Foam Roll
Thursday February 26th
Buy In: Body Builders and globo gym guys will need 15 power pars and 10lbs of creatine in there fanny pack to finish this warm up!12 mins Circut2x40sec/rest 20secsStation#1 Weighted Step upsStation#2 DB ThrustersStation#3 RowStation#4 BurpeesStation#5 Assault Bike SprintsStation#6 Lateral hurdle HopsStrength Day: Did you bring your shin guards?SDLHP3-3-3-3-3Power Snatch5-5-3-3-3ME Box Jumps (for height)Cash Out: Oh you ran a marathon? how heavy was the sled?2x Seated sled pulls
Friday February 27th
Buy IN: One of these things is not like the others.. one of things are not the same.EMOM 6 mins5 Burpees Box Jumps7-10 Push UpsGymnasty Skills: More earth pull downsStrict Pull Ups3-3-3Focus: We will find out Thursday Night!Open Skill WorkWOD: Omg, Omg, Omg it's the open...Where's my nano's?OPEN STARTS TODAY!15.1Cashout: Is that beer Paleo?Foam Roll And once again its another week in the books, Steph thanks for a great moth who's next stay tuned to same bat channel, same bat time next week to find out?Chris”Inventor of the Bacon Amrap”StoutenburgCrossFit Indestri “The Collingwood Original Crossfit”200 Mountain Road, Unit 3Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5705 444