CrossFit Total - Wednesday, July 19/17
CrossFit Total Day
We used to do CrossFit Total 1 time a year then we moved it to 2 times a year and this year we will do it 3 times...
Because we believe we need to test rep maxes in order to see where we are strong and where we need to focus your programming to make sure we are building GPP athletes. ( general prepared fitness) Make sure you track your totals, these are the totals we will focus our next strength cycle on. These are the numbers we want to have when this comes back around near November.
Technique Over Total:
When we ask you for a 1RM Total, we want a perfect lift, a bad technique "muscled" lift is not what we want and you can bet your coach is not going to accept it as a score if it is not technically sound. So if you are new and your 1 RM is not heavy but it is perfect or it is a day you just practice your basics.. then that is what we want. Safety and perfection are always first on the list.If you need a reminder or a strategy for warming up for CrossFit total click Monday's blogLink here: Luck!.
Wednesday July 19, 2017
Find your CrossFit Total1RM Back Squat1RM Dead Lift1RM Sh. Press.
Cash Out:
Coaches Choice.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.