Recovery - Fri Mar 3/17


How many of you take recovery seriously?  4 areas of recovery to look at….Nutrition Nutrition is dependent on the person; but a good place to start is with CrossFit’s food recommendation, “eat a diet of garden vegetables, especially lots of greens, lean meats, nuts and seeds, little starch, and no sugar.” That’s about as simple as you can get. Food should be perishable. Anything with a long shelf life should be suspect.Make sure you're eating enough food and if you don't already, try to get protein into you within 30 mins of hitting a WOD.  *We will have a guest blog post shortly with more on Nutrition stay tuned!HydrationHydration is important not just right after a workout, but all the time! Make sure you’re consuming adequate fluids to help with recovery. If you’re increasing the amount of fluid, also increase the amount of salt. Too much water can sometimes cause low salt levels, which you need for muscle contractions.  ((Don't use table salt, you could try a pinch of himalayan sea salt in your water.))


Most people will benefit from sleeping 7 hours or 8 hours a night. Sleep is your body’s recovery time. Many amazing things happen when you are asleep.Did you know…..1) Blood pressure drops.2) Breathing becomes slower.3) Muscles are relaxed.4) Blood supply to muscles increases, which allows tissue growth and repair to occur.5) Energy is restored.6) Hormones are released; in particular: growth hormone and testosterone. Both are essential for muscle growth and development.Try an ensure you're sleeping in total darkness.  Also try to stay off your computer, phones or iPads up to an hour before going to bed.  The blue light cast from those devices could interfere with getting a good night sleep!


Do you make time for maintenance?  i.e.) Mobility, Massage, Acupuncture, Chiro, etc…..  If not, you should, spend a some time daily working on self maintenance, "Mobility".  Whether you come to the gym a few mins early, or stay a few mins after class.  Mobility is also something you can do at home at night while your watching TV.And if you've never consider massage or acupuncture, you really should.  Esp. if you have any nagging little aches, don't live with them, take care of them! 

Friday March 3rd, 2017


Back squat 3x3 @ 90%


Workout Of the Day:

4 sets

:45 Hollow Hold

100’ Double Kettlebell Front Rack Carry (AHAP) (every drop is 5 push ups)

.Lvl 2 Fitness.Lvl 1 Technique.Lvl 4 Competitor: .

Cash Out:

2 Rounds

25 Hip thrusts

25 Barbell Skull Crushers

.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD

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Address200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5
Phone(705) 444-0006
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17.2 - Sat 4/17


It's March - Thurs Mar 2/17