Move Mountains - Wednesday, October 19th, 2022

Move Mountains

In September of 2015, 2x CrossFit Games Athlete Jenny LaBaw set out on a 500 mile run across the state of Colorado to raise both awareness and money for Epilepsy.  

Jenny was diagnosed with Epilepsy at the age of 8.  Having doctors set a number of limitations on what she would be able to do,  Jenny went on to defy them!

I first met Jenny in 2013 at the CrossFit Games, after chatting online for a few months. Jenny is truly a gem of a human. We have had her come to CFI on two occasion for an event. Both in 2014 and in 2016.

CrossFit Indestri as well as UG Series (when we were part of it) supported Move Mountains since Jenny first mentioned that she was thinking about doing it in the summer of 2015.  UG Series sponsored the run, and CrossFit Indestri and it's members participated by running daily with Jenny (here at our gym) before and after classes and raising money until we reached the 500 miles combined with Jenny.

In 2016 on the one year anniversary of the completion of her Move Mountains run, we along with many other CrossFit Affiliates held a Move Mountains workout that Jenny designed.  It was also on the eve of the 2nd Women Strong retreat, which meant that we were lucky enough to have some of the top Women in the Sport of CrossFit in our facility to hit the workout during our 6:30pm class with our members.  Including Katie Hogan, Nicole Holcomb, Becca Voigt and Sam Briggs.  Jenny herself arrived at CF Indestri the following day for the weekend retreat.

Move Mountains is a workout we have continued to do every October 19th since.  Much like we do Grace for Grace on March 26th. Epilepsy awareness and support is a cause close to our hearts at CrossFit Indestri.

Jenny is also just a phenomenal woman!  Truly one of the kindest, humblest and most genuine humans you will met.  She is also a badass athlete, who can bust out pistols faster then most of us can air squat!

This Wednesday, please register for class, get in, and wear purple in support. Also treat Move Mountains like a hero WOD, hold the movement standards and when it gets hard, dig in. I can tell you as I talked to Jenny often during her run. It was not easy, she broke down many days. But Jenny, has been living with Epilepsy since she was 8, and has been one of the top female CrossFit athletes in the world. Doing hard things is second nature.

When the workout feels hard, tap into something that you can relate too that is hard and keep pushing through.

1 mile - 26 reps, because 1 in 26 are diagnosed with epilepsy. 

Wednesday, October 19th, 2022


Movement Prep for the WOD


Move Mountains

Run 1 mile
26 Burpee Box Jumps (24"/20")
26 Strict Pull ups
26 Thrusters 95/65lbs
26 Strict Knees to Elbows
26 KB Swings 24/16kg.

1 in 26 are diagnosed with Epilepsy.

Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD .
Contact us: Address: 200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5 Phone: (705) 444-0006 Follow us on Instagram @crossfit_indestri


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