Coach Led - Wednesday, November 10th, 2021

Coach Led

We’ve had a few conversations with athletes and a few potential future athletes lately with respect to Open Gym times returning to the schedule. So we wanted to offer a bit of an explanation.

CrossFit Indestri has always been a coach led ( class based ) facility. The reason we all fell in love with CrossFit was the camaraderie that we felt in our classes. The founder of CrossFit Greg Glassman was once quoted, “The magic is in the movement, the art is in the programming, the science is in the explanation, and the fun is in the community.”

CrossFit is fun because of the classes, and the people training beside you in those classes. Training by yourself isn’t fun, it’s hard, and often boring. Not to mention, you have zero feedback on your movement from a coach. The only reason that CrossFit Games level athletes do it, is because CrossFit is their job. They get paid through sponsorships and competition winnings. But if you ask any one of them, they’ll tell you they would do classes in a heartbeat over training in open gyms by themselves.

Open Gym developed in many facilities because over the years more and more athlete were sucked in to the competitive side of CrossFit, through local competitions, and more volume, and more hours in the gym became the thing to do.

Don’t get me wrong, competition is fun, prior to COVID we would run competitions often, and I (Jen) was part of developing and running UG Series which became Canadian’s largest functional fitness competition for many years. Competition can be great, it gives you a goal to strive towards, it tests your fitness, and it’s fun. However we’ve witnessed over the years a shift in training with competition. For 99% of us competition should be a way to test and have fun with the training we do in classes, not get swept up in training for a competition. (If that makes sense).

What happened with Open Gym was, we lost some of the community, some of the camaraderie, and the fun that we all fell in love with in CrossFit. Open gym was never meant to replace classes, it was never meant for you to come in to do someone else’s programming. During the pandemic we spent sometime reevaluating some of the important things we value about our facility and our business, for a few reasons we have decided that our schedule will be staying as class training only for the time being.

Now that’s not to say that if you have something you really want to work on, that that can’t happen. That’s not the case. A coach would be happy to chat with you, and if there is time after class for you work on something, you can. We also do our programming, so if there’s something you want to see, ask us, and if it fits, we’ll look at implementing it in the program if we don’t already have it. Our RX is the workout as written, and we always scale or modify for athletes when needed. We’re happy to also scale up to RX+ when it fits as well. As an example, if the workout calls for push ups, talk to the coach, depending on the rest of the week that movement might be able to be scaled up to HSPU.

By following and trusting the coaches and the programming, we’re confident that our classes will have you fitter, and we’re happy to have the 60 min timeframe back to work on a few more things.

**On a side note, please note that our virtual class is moving from 7am to 6am. Those signing in for the 6am class, please ensure you’re signing in for in person vs. virtual.

Wednesday, November 10th, 2021


6 sets

1 Shoulder Press
2 Push Press
3 Jerks


3 x 5 min AMRAP w/ 2 min rest between

5 T2B
10 Wall Balls
50 DU's

Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD .
Contact us: Address: 200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5 Phone: (705) 444-0006 Follow us on Instagram @crossfit_indestri


weREMEMBER - Thursday, November 11th, 2021


Indestructible Teens - Tuesday, November 9th, 2021