Non Negotiable - Tuesday, October 17th, 2023

Non Negotiable

Squatting below parallel is a non negotiable. (we’re not talking to those of you who we know have limitations.) But the general population of athletes in our facility are more than capable of squatting below parallel. We as coaches watch movement all day long, we’ve been coaching movement (the squat) for years. We know that you're capable, we also know for some of you that, that it’s harder, and you really have to fight for position. A big part of our job is about helping you to achieve what you are capable of doing, squatting below parallel being one of those things.

You sit to chair, sit to the toilet, sit in your car, sit to your couch, etc. Squatting is one of the most transferable movements we do in our facility, and aside from the few of you with limitations, the rest should be below parallel (without a question, not riding the line of to parallel.)

When we squat above parallel we’re putting more strain on the knee joint, and it’s just not a place we want you to be in. Below parallel, you can better support the joint, with both the quads and the hamstrings working. If you’re not sure if you squat below parallel, ask the coach, or get a ball and squat to the ball. If you’re someone that the coach is telling you every time you squat to squat lower, go get a ball, there is absolutely zero shame in squatting to a ball, and in the long run, it will better your overall squat. The clock should also never play a role in your squat depth. Don’t ever let the time / score of the leaderboard determine your movement.

Karen is today. With the wall ball in your hand, if you’re someone who has to fight for depth, you’re really going to have to fight today. The weight of the wall ball being held in the front position, for some can hinder your depth, so be sure to really focus on the squat being below parallel in every single rep. If that means you need to lighten the ball, lighten the ball, if that means you need to lower the target height on the wall, lower the target, but squatting below parallel is a non negotiable.

Below parallel = the crease of your hip below the top of your knee.

This is also a benchmark workout, it will be repeated, write it down.

Tuesday, October 17th, 2023


Box Squats
3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3



For Time
150 Wall Balls 20/14

Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD .
Contact us: Address: 200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5 Phone: (705) 444-0006 Follow us on Instagram @crossfit_indestri


Strength Day - Wednesday, October 18th, 2023


Box Etiquette - Monday, October 16th, 2023