Lifting Proof of Vaccination - Tuesday, February 15th, 2022

Lifting Proof of Vaccination

It has just been announced today that as of March 1st, 2022 businesses like ours that have been mandated to require proof of double vaccination in Ontario will no longer be required to receive this.

Effective March 1st, 2022 we will be dropping this requirement within our facility.

CrossFit Indestri was founded on creating a facility that was supportive of one another and free of judgement to all, and we have always done our best to maintain that. Having to implement the proof of vaccination in our facility was not something we would have ever wanted to do, but it was a requirement in order for us to keep our doors open.

We will also be adjusting our class capacity limits. Beginning on Tuesday, Feb 22nd (as Monday the 21st is the Family Day Holiday) we will be increasing our class sizes to 18 athletes per class, and as long as we feel that everything is going well and staying on track we plan to return to our pre-COVID class sizes of 20 in March. (We will also share details on the CrossFit Opens plans in our blog tomorrow.)

A good news announcement today for sure!

As always the health of our community has always been our number one goal, and we will continue with doing our best to always maintain that.

Tuesday, February 15th, 2022


4 Sets

7/7 Weighted Curtsy Lunges farmer hold
14 Handstand Shoulder Taps
Max Effort L-Sit Hang or Bent Knee Hang



6 Rounds
1 min Rowing for Cals
1 min Burpees
1 min DUs
1 min Rest

Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD .
Contact us: Address: 200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5 Phone: (705) 444-0006 Follow us on Instagram @crossfit_indestri


The CrossFit Open at CF Indestri - Wednesday, February 16th, 2022


Coach Sarah - Monday, February 14th, 2022