Jen’s Birthday WOD - Tuesday, December 5th, 2023

It’s my birthday, and today is a WOD dedicated to it. It always feels really odd to write a blog about myself, so like last year I looked back older posts to hopefully just copy and paste a past blog but aside from last year it had been more than a few years since I’ve written anything or even posted on our social media about my birthday, as my birthday had fallen on the weekend for a few of the more recent years.

So in the spirit of it, or for those who don’t really know me, (which I don’t honestly think is anyone, though there could be the odd member who only attends 6am, and we may not have met yet in person, though I would have talked to you to set up your membership, or have maybe only met once or twice.) I’m a Co-Owner of CrossFit Indestri along with Coach Steph and Stouty, and have been for the past 8 years (on December 9th.) I don’t really coach, unless we’re absolutely stuck for a coach, as talking infant of groups of people makes me very uncomfortable, it always has. So I tend to keep myself behind the scenes on the business side of CFI, as well as with the blog, programming, social media, etc. I absolutely love CrossFit, and CrossFit Indestri and have been a part of the facility as a member since 2012 and Co-Owner since 2015. I use to be 1/3rd of the organizing team for UG Series until we sold it after the 2019 event. But from 2012 to 2019 I was a part of helping to make it Canada’s Largest Functional Fitness Competition and travelled all over Ontario and event into Montreal to create events, and loved it.

I hope everyone enjoys the workout today, some of my favourite movements, in Hang Power Cleans, though I am not a fan of DU’s, I needed something we could do 79 of for the year I was born, and I like Coach Steph am one of the odd ones who actually likes Burpees, and well, I’ve been doing meters in the Concept 2 100,000 challenge, so let’s switch it up to Cals.

The numbers represent 1979 the year I was born, 12th month, 5th day, the 44 min AMRAP, comes from the fact that I am 44 today. So yes it’s a long one today, something we usually save for Saturday’s, so we know its doable for you to get warm and ready for cleans in 16 mins, but you’ll need to get to work in the warm up to ensure you’re warm and ready. Also remember, 44 mins is a long time, don’t start out hot, slow and steady, just keep moving, and if at any point you feel like complaining, just be thankful you’re not in a weight vest. :)

Enjoy my Birthday WOD. I will most likely do it with the 9:30am crew.

Tuesday, December 5th, 2023


Not today. It’s a long WOD.


Jen's Birthday WOD

44 min AMRAP

5 Hang Power Cleans 135/95
12 Burpees over Bar
19 Cals ( switch up the machine )
79 DU's

Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD .
Contact us: Address: 200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5 Phone: (705) 444-0006 Follow us on Instagram @crossfit_indestri


Holiday Hours - Wednesday, December 6th, 2023


Tickets - Monday, December 4th, 2023