How you can help - Thursday, June 4th, 2020
How you can help
As we’ve mentioned we’ve reached out to all areas of government to respectfully ask for their consideration for all functional fitness facilities that can provide social distancing measures the opportunity to reopen.
We’ve talked to the IF3 ( International Functional Fitness Federation ), the CFFF ( Canadian Functional Fitness Federation ). We’ve signed petitions, and are speaking with other fellow CrossFit affiliates owners to see collectively how we can be heard.
Our plea is simply for the consideration that Functional Fitness Facilities are different then standard gyms in the sense that we have the space to create social distancing, our athletes are required to sign in for classes, which allows us to have control over the number of people in our facility at one time, we do our programming, so athletes coming into our facility are touching only the equipment we have given them for that day, we’ve mapped out spaces for athletes to have their own area for the entire time they’re in the facility, along with other protocols for non overlapping classes, cleaning, etc.
We’ve had a long telephone conversation with a fellow CF affiliate owner, who was given advise from their local MPP’s office about having their membership base, also email in. Their local MPP has now received 100’s of emails with respect to a plea for the consideration of their facility to reopen. So, we’ll ask you, if you would like to help, please send a respectful note to MPP Jim Wilson’s office, asking for the consideration of CrossFit Indestri and other functional fitness facilities like ours, to be considered in the reopening now. Let them know what the space means to you, how it helps you, whether physically or mentally. etc.
We take a great deal of pride in being able to offer you a safe space, a clean space, a healthy space. We would not push for this consideration if we did not feel we could offer those things now. So if you feel so inclined as to help respectfully reach out. We thank you!
Thursday, June 4th, 2020
Home Options:
*These are just some suggestions, please select items you can use safely.
Buy In:
10min EMOM
1- 15 Banded Good Morning
2- 6 Dive bomber push ups
Hip & Ankle Mobility
Cossack Squats or Sumo Squats
5 x 10 ( 5 /5 )
Superset with
Floor Press 5 x 5
10 min Amrap
Increasing ladder
1 T2B or V-Up
1 Box Jumpovers
1 Pistols
*Increase reps by 1 every rd. (rd 2= 2T2B, BJO, Pistols ...ect)
Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD .
Contact us: Address: 200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5 Phone: (705) 444-0006 Follow us on Instagram @crossfit_indestri