Murph is coming - Thursday, April 27th, 2023
Murph is coming
Murph is coming up soon. We do it each year on Victoria Day. Murph is probably the most iconic CrossFit Hero WODs we have. It’s a simple workout in terms of movements, but one of the most challenging and gruelling workouts. As it should be, it’s in honour of Lt. Michael Murphy.
Now when we say simple in terms of movement, each of these movements has a standard, and that standard is expected to be upheld for each and every rep from the first rep to the last. This is true in all workouts, but even more so in Hero WODs. Hero WOD’s for newer members, are workouts in the CrossFit Community that have been named in honour of fallen service members, usually who are also CrossFitters. They have given the biggest sacrifice, we’re honouring them through their workout.
While we don’t need to train specifically for Murph, as we’re CrossFitters we train daily in class. We are mixing it up and giving you a small “taste” today in a version of all the movements in Murph. We’re doing so more to work out movement standards and quality of movement. (No weight vest today)
Doing this 10 round workout today, the focus is on, chin over the bar and full lock out at the bottom of each pull up, it’s about chest touching the floor and full lock out (plank position at the top) of every push up, and finding the bottom of your squat and the top of your squat on each rep. The time on the board doesn’t matter if the quality of your movement is sacrificed for time.
Quality over time each and every rep, always.
Background on the HERO WOD: In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael P. Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, NY, who was killed in Afghanistan June 28, 2005.
A U.S. Navy SEAL officer, Murphy was awarded the U.S. military’s highest decoration, the Medal of Honor, for his actions during the War in Afghanistan. His other posthumous awards include the Silver Star Medal (which was later upgraded to the Medal of Honor) and the Purple Heart.
The “Murph” Hero WOD was originally posted on the CrossFit Main Site as the workout of the day for Thursday August 18, 2005 (“050818”), where the post said “This workout was one of Mike’s favorites and he’d named it ‘Body Armor.’ From here on it will be referred to as ‘Murph’ in honor of the focused warrior and great American who wanted nothing more in life than to serve this great country and the beautiful people who make it what it is.”
“Murph” has become one of the most famous CrossFit workouts, globally, especially as a tribute on U.S. Memorial Day (the last Monday of May), when the workout is sometimes referred to as “Memorial Day Murph.”
The workout, as prescribed (“Rx”), requires a weight vest but allows the athlete to partition the work as needed. In a more challenging “Rx+” version of the workout athletes choose to do the work “unpartitioned” in the order written (complete the 100 pull-ups before beginning the push-ups, etc.).
“Murph” first appeared in the 2015 CrossFit Games (athletes partitioned the work), then again in the 2016 CrossFit Games (athletes were required to do it unpartitioned).
Thursday, April 27th, 2023
Bar MU Progressions
10 Rounds for Time
200m Run
5 Pull Ups
10 Push ups
15 Air Squats
Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD .
Contact us: Address: 200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5 Phone: (705) 444-0006 Follow us on Instagram @crossfit_indestri