Cherry Picking - Friday, June 16th, 2023

Cherry Picking

We wanted to take a moment to talk about something that could hinder you from achieving those goals.  We talk about from it time to time, for newer member you may have heard the term in passing.  We've found a great definition of 'Cherry Picking' in CrossFit on the CrossFit Roots blog a few years ago. So what is Cherry Picking with respect to CrossFit?


cher·ry–pick   VERB \ˈcher-ē-ˌpik\

First known Use of CHERRY-PICK: 1965

Cherry-pick in CrossFit is defined as: Selecting which days to attend CrossFit classes based on the workout or waiting until the workout is published to determine whether or not one will attend class are the acts that define cherry-picking in the CrossFit world.  

The athlete hand selects workouts that seem to confirm their belief about what they are/are not capable of doing, what they “need” or “don’t need” to do, what seems “extreme”, or what will get them fit.  

The result is a contradiction between the resulting capabilities and fitness level of the athlete and CrossFit’s goal of creating a general physical preparedness.  Selective workout visitation is a pathway to plateau.

Examples of cherry-picking:
“That looks hard, I’m not going.”
“I don’t like running, I’m not going.”
“It’s “just” a lifting day, I don’t need that.”
“Longer than 10 minutes?  Arghhh.  No way I want to sweat for that long.”
“That looks AWESOME and EXTREME.  I NEED EXTREME!  I’m totally signing up.” 

Not only do workouts get Cherry Picked, but so do coaches.  While you might favour one coaches style of coaching, you get comfortable with that coach, but you'd be surprised by what you might learn from another coach.  

We're lucky at CFI to have an extremely knowledgeable and talented coaching staff, each with a their own strong and amazing skill set.  If you have the opportunity, we recommend trying to hit each of their classes!

And please remember, whether it’s strongman day, an Oly lifting day, endurance day, a benchmark or hero WOD day, or a movement or workout that you just don’t like, cherry-picking workouts inhibits you from becoming the athlete you could be.

Have you cherry-picked a workout before?  Have you ever ended up at a workout that you were scared shitless about and found that “it was all ok” in the end?  Trust the process, everything has its place, and if you do Cherry Pick a workout because of an injury, please remember, our coaches are phenomenal at scaling or modifying when needed, so don't use that as an excuse, they're happy to help you!

*this was a blog post we first shared back in 2017. But still rings very true, especially with the workout today.

Friday, June 16th, 2023


Banded Shoulder Press
5 - 5 - 5 - 5

Run Warm up


For Time

5KM Run
100 Sit ups

Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD .
Contact us: Address: 200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5 Phone: (705) 444-0006 Follow us on Instagram @crossfit_indestri


This past Saturday - Monday, June 19th, 2023


Rest - Thursday, June 15th, 2023