Crossfit Indestri WOW for week of March 2nd 2015
The Open has started!
Can you feel the energy? There has been a great vibe in the box!
We had over 70 people sign up for this years open! thats incredible and amazing to see. thats 2 times the amount of people just one year ago! You guys are inspiring to watch and I cant wait to see how it all goes down in 15.2 next week. if you missed this past Friday night I encourage you to come watch and cheer on those competing, there was over 100 people in our place on Friday night. The community comes together and reminds us how much Indestri is family as much as it is fitness. Tyson & I and all of the coaches are excited to move forward in 2015 with lots of ideas for exciting things for us to do together!
So like we talked about this past week, We have divided you into teams and will have a little in box competition and will be giving away a prize for the highest scoring team at the end of the 5 weeks. but! in between we will be giving individual awards away for spirt, performance and if anyone is brave enough to wear a costume!
So this past Friday awards go to:
This may not be the greatest score but in our eyes was inspiring and true effort. This individual was Rx in the workout and 115lbs was their 1 rep max… they got 2 rounds plus which means they hit changed their 1 RM 10 times. This award goes to Aron Knight.
Aron is awarded a bag of 3fu3l. Great Job Aron!
Top Performer:
This can go to either scaled or Rx division athletes and will be awarded to the athlete we felt performed the best that week. This athlete was on the fence about competing on Friday night because it was only her and coach Todd left to go… but over 30 people were still in the box and rallied around these 2 athletes and she ended up crushing the workout and Pr’d her Clean & Jerk! This weeks top performer goes to Monika Howe!
Amazing job Monika, you win a Indestri t-shirt
Everyone was amazing and we will see if anyone wants to claim the best dressed award next week!
Upcoming This month!
15.2 the announcement for Open wod for this Friday happens live Thursday at 8pm EST on Crossfit games site. Check it out it is a pretty cool event.
Bowl for Kids Sake
Wednesday March 25th we have 2 teams bowling and both teams can use more members on the team as well as we can find another night if people are still interested. please talk to Michelle Kusiar to make arrangements if interested.
Grace for Grace - Epilepsy Day - Purple Day
We will be doing Grace March 26th
this will be for raising funds for epilepsy and thanks to Monica Howe for spearheading the day! We are looking for items for a silent auction and baked goods to sell that day to help raise money. The theme is purple and we are trying to get shirts to sell made up, we will keep you posted.
Tip of the Week!
Push Press
a. Set-up: The set-up is the same as the shoulder press.
b. Dip: Initiate the dip by bending the hips and knees while keeping the torso upright. The dip will be between 1/5 and 1/4 of a squat in depth.
c. Drive: With no pause at the bottom of the dip, the hips and legs are forcefully extended.
d. Press: As the hips and legs complete extension the shoulders and arms forcefully press the bar overhead until the arms are fully extended.
Now for the WOW for the week of March 2nd.
The Month of March is coming to you from Coach Todd!
Read Todd’s BIO Here:
So get ready as this military man takes no excuses!
Monday: Its a benchmark lift, but its also rowing… how do you decide? you loathe rowing but love a good benchmark… we gotcha! See you Monday.
Buy in: Just because we make you walk like weirdos doesn't mean we are secretly laughing at you :)
2 x Times/Lengths
Walking Lunge
Frankenstein Walk
Banded Duck Walk
10 x PVC Pass Through
Group 5 EMOM 15 Wall Ball
Focus: Remember think “Stripper But”
Back Squat 3RM (15-20min)
WOD: Rowing is good for you, trust us!
6x 1min on 1min rest row
Count Meters
Cash out: Just hanging out
5 x ME L-Hang
Tuesday: Have you read the WOD yet? and they say Crossfit doesn't do enough core work, Ha!!
Buy In: Remember Arm Circles?
10 Arm Circles to the front
10 Arm Circles to the rear
10 Pushups
Group 5 x 3 Handstand Shrugs
Focus: Yes I told you, Rowing is good for you.
Row Technique (pacing vs sprinting)
2 min @28 spm
2min @26 spm
2min @24 spm
WOD: This is a deadly Combo
15 OHS 95/65
15 T2B
Cash out: Burpees will be in the open sometime, might as well practice
3 x 15 Unbroken burpees (1 min rest between sets)
Wednesday: Remember to use your legs on the push press.
Buy in: we now have 4 assault bikes get familiar with them.
20 Cal Ass Bike
10 Inch Worm Pushup
10 PVC Pass Through
10 Squats to Med Ball
Coach Lead Front Rack Mob
Focus: Use your legs!
Push Press
WOD: Every minute on the minute heaven
odd 8 Squat Clean 115/75
even 10 Box Jumps
3 Min rest
odd 8 PP 115/75
even 25 DU
Cash Out: loosen up those legs!
Foam roll
Thursday: Yay! its strength Day!
Buy In: The Burgner technique in my books is king!
EMOM 6 mins
10 kb swings then T2T
Group Burgener Warm Up
Focus: We are building to a 1 rep max this month… which lift is it?
Front Squat
Hang Power Snatch
Banded Bench Press
Cash Out: In the land of the stiffs.. the mobile is king!
Hip Mobility
Friday: Its open Time!
15.2 what will it be? Im hoping foam roll for time followed by 1 min EMOM of shoulder press 1rep :)
On Friday in classes we will work on focus pieces of the wod and strategy for the evening. If you need to hit the workout in class there will be a coach to judge you.
Remember Yoga is in the schedule and let us know if you would like it added to your membership for an extra $5 a month.
Have a great week and excited to see everyone out for the open! You guys are the best community out there and cant wait to see you show your fitness and support this week!
Chris”I will dress as batman for one open Wod”Stoutenburg
CrossFit Indestri “The Collingwood Original Crossfit”
200 Mountain Road, Unit 3
Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5
705 444 0006