Do you utilize our Coaches? - Wednesday, Jan 9th, 2019

Do you utilize our coaches?

From years of competitive sports at some of the highest levels, to years of teaching + coaching movement (in + out of the CrossFit world), on top of life experiences. Our coaches at CFI are some of the very best around!

Do you utilize them?

Something we commonly hear is, I didn't come to that class because my shoulder hurts so I didn't want to do that movement. Part of our coaches job is modify of scale your movement if needed. It's not a burden to the coach to do that for you. So don't ever feel like you need to miss a class because of a movement. Talk to the coach, they'll happily give you something else.

But aside from a scale or modification, do you utilize the coach?

When I say we have some of the very best coaches at CFI, I'm not just saying that. All of our coaches, all practice what they preach. They're all athletes, both inside + outside the gym. With a vast amount of knowledge + experience in everything from Strongman + Olympic Lifting to Gymnastics + Endurance, etc... So if you have things that you would really like to get better at, talk with our coaches, utilize them. Having a hard time linking more then a couple pull ups? Ask a coach to watch you + give you some pointers on what you can do/work on.

Our coaches thrive in seeing you at your best. When you walk out of their class feeling accomplished, that's the best feeling a coach has. You guys truly have some of the very best around right at your finger tips, so please utilize them! To be cont…...

Wednesday, Jan 9th, 2019


Dumbbell Hang Clean & jerk
10-10-10-10 (T&G)



Alt 1 arm Db Hang Squat Clean & Jerk 50/35

Level 2:
Alt 1 arm Db Hang Squat Clean & Jerk 35/20
Knee Raise

Level 1:
Alt 1 arm Db Hang Power Clean & Jerk
Toes 2 KB


Cash Out:
Coaches Choice


Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD


Contact us:

Address: 200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5

Phone: (705) 444-0006

Follow us on Instagram @crossfit_indestri


Jen's Fight Gone Right - Thursday, Jan 10th, 2019


Keep Track - Tuesday, Jan 8th, 2019