A Thank You - Wednesday, April 1st, 2020
A Thank You
As CrossFitters we train for the unknown and unknowable. We're good at adapting, movements, odd objects, etc. But no one would have ever even considered a situation like we're in right now.We want to take a moment as say a huge and heartfelt thank you to you, our community for sticking by us through this. We promise you we're working overtime to offer you the best we have, shy of being able to open the doors to the facility.From programming with 3 different options, full equipment to no equipment, to virtual WODs that are fully coached. Our Coaches aren't just leading you through the movement, their adjusting and correcting, they're coaching you through the virtual workouts, so please jump into these classes, and if the times don't work for you, reach out to us, let us know and we'll look into adding some other times. We're also bringing in some specialty coaches, and classes, from coaches like Carl Paoli, Danny Lehr and Nuno Costa, to classes like Mobility, Yoga, Pump Sesh with Kevin Ogar, and more. More classes are added constantly so please keep checking zenplanner. We're also able to do some personalized programs for any of you that need a little something more, just reach out to us.As a small business this has been one of the scariest situations we could ever imagine. We've worked hard for 10 years to build CrossFit Indestri to what it is, like many small businesses all over the world, we're adapting day by day, to ensure at the end of this, we come out the other side, ready and able to open the doors for you! And honestly that time can't come soon enough. We miss all of you, but seeing you on the virtual classes has been great!We know this is a tough situation for everyone, so we want to take a moment to thank you for sticking with us!
Wednesday, April 1st, 2020
Equipment:PVC, Barbell, DB, KB,Home Options: *These are just some suggestions, please select items you can use safely.Sandbag, Backpack, Broom, Washer Fluid Jugs, Loblaws green bins,
Buy In:
1/2 Tabata 2mins20 sec Plank Holds10 sec push ups1/2 Tabata 2 mins20 sec Air Squats10 sec Squat hold1/2 tabata 2 mins20 sec Push press10 Sec OHS1/2 Tabata 2 mins20 Sec Lunge10 sec Mountain climber
EMOM 10 - Bench or Floor Press10 reps then 20 sec hold in pressPartial GymBanded Press or odd object floor pressNo GymPush Ups or odd object floor press
If you have equipment;
Amrap 1 - 3 mins15 American KB Swings40m Shuttle - 10m Turnarounds5 Burpees2 min rest than;Amrap 2 - 3 mins15 KB/Db push Press40m Shuttle - 10m Turnarounds5 Burpees2 min rest than;Amrap 3 - 3 mins15 Goblet Squat40m Shuttle- 10m Turnarounds5 Burpees
If you have some:
Amrap 1 - 3 mins15 American Odd object Swings40m Shuttle- 10m Turnarounds5 Burpees2 min rest than;Amrap 2 - 3 mins15 KB/ Odd object push Press40m Shuttle -10m Turnarounds5 Burpees2 min rest than;Amrap 3 - 3 mins15 Goblet Squat40m Shuttle -10m Turnarounds5 Burpees
If you have no equipment:
Amrap 1 - 3 minBanded Pull Through/Backpack Swing40m Shuttle- 10m Turnarounds5 Burpees2 min rest than;Amrap 2 - 3 min15 Band Press/arm or Back Pack Press40m Shuttle- 10m Turnarounds5 Burpees2 min rest than;Amrap 3 - 3 min15 Goblet Squat Anything or 20 Air Squats40m Shuttle- 10m Turnarounds5 Burpees Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD .Contact us:Address: 200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5Phone: (705) 444-0006Follow us on Instagram @crossfit_indestri