Hardknoxx - Wednesday April 26/17


CrossFit Indestri's Striker coach, Jay "Hardknoxx" Alexander is back at it again! He steps into the ring on Friday, May 19th against Mexico's Sergio Acosta.  Jay has been training with a new coach and fight camp out of Kombat Arts in Mississauga.  All the hard work and commitment will show when Jay brings the big W back to Collingwood!
The fight takes place at the Hershey Centre in Mississauga.  If you can make it out to support Jay, contact Kelly at 705.606.1073 for tickets!

Yogi Bear


Wednesday April 26, 2017


Yogi Bear Complex - Courtesy of Sam BriggsComplete 2 times Unbroken ( Competitors goal is Body weight)Snatch PullHigh Hang snatchOH SquatSnatch PullLow Hang SnatchSnatch BalanceOH SquatSnatch PullFull SnatchSnatch BalanceOH Squat.

Workout Of the Day:

3RFT15 Power Snatch 135/9515 Bar Facing Burpees.Lvl 2 Fitness3RFT15 Front Squats 95/6515 Bar Facing Burpees.Lvl 1 Technique3RFT15 Front Squats 75/5515 Burpees with Jump & Clap.Lvl 4 Competitor3RFT15 Front Squats 155/10515 Bar Facing Burpees.

Cash Out:

Coaches Choice.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.Contact us:Address: 200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5Phone: (705) 444-0006Follow us:BurpeeBurpee


Heavy Day - Thursday April 27/17


Training - Tuesday April 25/17