The Med-Ball Clean Tuesday, Nov 14th/17



The Med-ball Clean is one of CrossFit's 9 essential movements they teach you when you are attempting you Level 1 certification. The intricacies of the movement with minimal load, is an excellent way to learn hip extension and pull under the bar in a clean or a snatch.

It breaks down like this:

  1. Start standing directly over the ball in the deadlift set up
  2. Rapidly extend the hips and knees creating power which makes the ball weightless
  3. Shrug yourself under the medball to a front squat (crease of hip below knee, elbows up and under ball)Stand to full extension of the hip and knee, ball remaining in rack position

Common Faults & How to fix:

  1. 1st pull: Fault- Heels up, Head Down or Round back in the bottom position - Fix: Correct starting position: heels down, head up, back arched
  2. The extension: Fault - Arms bent, pull to high, no hip extension, no shrug Curling the bar - Fix: Arms locked, full extension ( Jump) , shrug, drop don't row ball, keep ball close to body.
  3. The Catch: Fault - Low slow elbows in catch - Fix: Catch with elbows high

Think about these faults today and see if you can identify them in yourself... but if you don't see it , Do not fear because your coach will :)Skill over weight all day every dayStouty

Tuesday November 14, 2017


Med ball Clean skill work.

WOD: 32 mins

4x4-minute rounds of:15 Wallballs 20/1430 Medicine ball cleans 20/14Row for max caloriesRest 4 minutes between rounds..

Level 2:

4x4-minute rounds of:15 Wallballs 14/1030 Medicine ball cleans 14/10Row for max caloriesRest 4 minutes between rounds..

Level 1: Technique

4x4-minute rounds of:10 Wallballs 14/1020 Medicine ball cleans 14/10Row for max caloriesRest 4 minutes between rounds..

Level 4: Comp

4x4-minute rounds of:15 Wallballs @ 12/10 foot target 20/1430 Medicine ball cleans 20/14Row for max caloriesRest 4 minutes between rounds.

Cash Out:

Coaches Choice.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.

Contact us:

Address200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5
Phone(705) 444-0006
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The Basics aren't so basic - Wednesday, Nov 15th/17


Santa's WOD Shop - Monday, Nov 13th/17