Real Talk for Thursday - Thursday November 23/17

 Real Talk for Thursday

Let's get some real talk going….  As affiliate owners and coaches, we're extremely passionate about the health and wellness of our community.  We pride ourselves on having a phenomenal team at CFI, with a vast amount of knowledge.  We're also not to proud to admit when our knowledge in one area isn't as vast, which is why in partnership with Sarah Messervey we hosted fuelSchool on Tuesday evening.We get asked on a daily bases about nutrition, "What should I eat after my workout?", "Should I eat Paleo, Clean, Ketogenic?", we could go on and on.  The truth is, we can tell you what we do, and what we've had or seen work, but for us, we felt it more valuable to bring in an expert in the field.Sarah is a registered holistic nutritionist, who herself practises both a Paleo and Ketogenic lifestyle.  If you were unable to attend fuelSchool Tuesday night, you're still in luck, as we live streamed it on our FB page.  You can watch the replay here, and in fact, we encourage each of you to do so, especially if you're thinking of becoming Paleo or Ketogenic.The Paleo & Ketogenic 'diets' are actually nothing new, and they're certainly not the next big 'fad'.  These 'diets' have been around a lot longer then any one of us have.  It just happens that with the explosive growth of CrossFit, we started to hear more and more about going Paleo, eating Zone, Marcos, etc.  and now trickling into the spotlight is the ketogenic diet.One of the main reason's we're hearing about Ketogenic is because of the growth and promotion of exogenous ketones.Exogenous ketones are supplements.  They can be very effective at what they do, but none the less they are a supplement, and much like Sarah said during fuelSchool, they should be taken supplementary to a low carb/ketogenic style of eating.We don't promote any one form of Nutrition at CFI.  We would only encourage that you to eat real food, and as clean as possible.  If paleo works for you, great!  If ketogenic works for you, wonderful!  Whatever makes you feel great and perform well, is amazing!  Try things out, do your own research, talk to experts like Sarah.Always keep in mind that supplements are exactly that, supplements.  They are not a substitute for real food, but a supplement to it.  Please remember that no magic pill, diet or drink will give you biceps like Sam Briggs, speed like Dan Bailey, glutes like Stacie Tovar, or the title of fittest in History like Rich Froning.  Everything from movement to aesthetics takes time and takes hardwork.  If it was as easy as taking pill or drinking a drink, everyone would look like Brooke Ence or Snatch like Mat Fraser. 

Thursday November 23, 2017


Bench Press5-3-1+75%-85%-95%.

WOD:Partner WOD

Row in “Just Row” mode

20 Min AMRAP

The Work: 5 pushups, 10 situps, 20 air squats. ( 35 reps per round)The Rest? Rowing For Calories.Both Partners Start at same time, When the Partner A:  finishes the assigned number of reps, switch places with Partner B: on the rower and repeat.Score: Total Calories + total repsExample: 250 Cal + 10 rds and 5 reps ( 355) = 605 

Level 1:

Try to Scale the Push up with a banded push up..

Cash Out:

Coaches Choice.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.

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Address200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5
Phone(705) 444-0006
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Set it aside - Friday Nov 24/17


Live - Wednesday Nov 22/17