Set it aside - Friday Nov 24/17

Set it aside

Set it aside or leave it at the door, what are we referring to?  Your ego….  One of the rules of CrossFit that is shared worldwide is to leave your ego at the door.  Why, what do mean?  First let's clear up the fact that we're not calling you "egotistical". 

If you're scratching your head, wondering what the heck this means.  Here are a few examples…..
This past Monday I (Jen) posted on my social media, some of you that follow me may have seen it.  It was Grace day.  Grace is my favourite workout, but I haven't RX'd 'her' since March, 30th, 2016 ( I pr'd her that day, during Grace for Grace).  On March 31st, during a misstep on a 1RM Snatch, I dislocated my shoulder.  To be honest, I haven't done many WOD's RX'd since.  In some cases it's fear, I remember how it felt to dislocate my shoulder and I don't ever want that to happen again.  In some cases it's ego!  Yep, I fully admit it.  I've been a CrossFitter for along time, I'm one of the owners of the gym, weights and movements that use to be easy aren't anymore.  We did Grace this past March for Grace for Grace, and I didn't RX it then, when I knew it was Grace on Monday I was a little upset.  Lately, I've been substituting a sandbag or dumbbells for a barbell.  To be honest, I was going to Grace with the sandbag, but I grabbed a barbell instead.  I briefly spoke with Steph and asked her opinion, try and hit Grace fast at 65lbs, or push myself to 95lbs and RX her.  Steph told me to RX her, just hit 3 reps every min and I would finish in 9 mins.  I tried to argue with her (for a second).  9 mins, are you nuts, that's way past my Grace time, why would I do that?  I'll just do 65lbs and do it fast…..  But I realized and even verbally said to Steph, that's my ego talking….  My ego was getting in the way of what Steph as my Coach knows is my potential.  So I stopped talking, and did what my Coach was encouraging me to do.  Of course it was not a lifetime PR, and I was the last one in the 9:30am class to finish the WOD, but it felt good to throw that weight around again.
Coach Steph is currently 19 weeks pregnant.  When CrossFitting pregnant, picture being fit, but now having to dial everything down for the sole purpose of not over exerting yourself.  You can still do the things you were capable of doing before, however that doesn't mean you should!  For competitive athletes this is a big adjustment period, and a shift of focus.
For approx. 12 months, there will be no suffering through workouts, no movements that are uncomfortable and intensity in workouts will be at an all time low.
So on Monday evening when Steph jumped into the 5:30pm class, she had to do so with ego aside.  Steph knows that she's capable of doing Grace RX'd in 2 mins & 30seconds or maybe even faster now.  However, that's not about to happen at 19 weeks pregnant.  Setting ego aside, being smart, monitoring her body and being sure to keep her body comfortable at all times.  So she opted for RXing, but in single reps.  One rep at a time, control dropping between each rep to ensure her heart rate stayed low.  In the back of her head the entire time she was doing the WOD, she was re-sighting the words, one and drop, one and drop.  This is because for years she has trained her body to be okay with being uncomfortable, it's become engrained in her training,  but during pregnancy, for her health and her babies, that's not okay.  So she had to keep checking in with herself and her 'ego'. She knows what she's capable of, but this is it for now!
Me setting my ego aside allowed me to perform something I am more than capable of, and also to get past a fear of the heavier weights overhead again.  Steph setting her ego aside, allowed her to still get in a good workout, and keep her health and the health of her baby as first priority.  If you're reading this thinking, well duh, that doesn't sound like a big deal, or hard it's common sense, it's not always as easy as it sounds and these are also just two very recent examples.  We wanted to share, because there are times when we all have to check our ego.  It's not a bad thing, it's just something to be aware of.
But really the whole moral of this post is, we have phenomenal coaches in our facility.  Coaches who know you, they know how you move, and they know what your capable of.  So, much like we had to do on Monday for Grace, set the ego aside, talk with and listen to your coach.  Our coaches truly want to see each and everyone one of you thrive.

Friday November 24, 2017


Front Squat5-3-175%-85%-95%.


15 min AMRAP2 Muscle Ups4 Front Squats 155/1056 Box Jumps 30/2480 DU 

Level 2:

2 Jumping Bar Muscle Ups4 Front Squats 135/956 Box Jumps 24/2080 DU Mix.

Level 1:

2 Ring Rows 2 dips4 Front Squats 95/656 Step Ups 16/12100 singles.

Level 4:

15 min AMRAP2 Ring Muscle Ups4 Front Squats 185/1356 Box Jumps 30/2480 DU.

Cash Out:

Coaches Choice.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.

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Address200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5
Phone(705) 444-0006
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Saturday November 25, 2017


Real Talk for Thursday - Thursday November 23/17