Time - Thursday, June 21, 2018


In continuation of the post from Monday with regards to things taking time and Stouty's first steps in 19 years and 363 days.  It sparked a few conversations about time….It seems in this day and age we want everything to happen, like yesterday!Driving to the gym on a daily bases I come across at least one car a day, that does the 'slow down, and roll' through a stop sign.  When I come to a complete stop, I get people waving there hands at me to hurry up and go!  News Flash, you have to stop at a stop sign.  But we're all in to big a hurry to be bothered.Instat-pots are the new big thing in small kitchen appliances.  Because we're too busy and need our food cooked instantly.  We don't actually write letters and mail them anymore, emails are instant.The health and fitness industry is not immune to this "zip zap" thinking either.  So many people are looking for a quick fix.  Rather then putting the time and work.  They seek the 'magic pill, drink, whatever...'Straight up, the magic whatever is not your answer.We've had members who have lost a 100lbs, it took a full year to do it, and I bet if you asked, it was anything but easy.  But with hard work, consistence effort, trust in the process, accountability and listening to coaches, it happened!Everything is possible, want to do a pull up?  Put in the work, listen to your coach, utilize open gym to work on progressions.  It is possible for everyone to do a pull up at some point ( minus any injuries that prevent it).  Want to lose 10 lbs? Eat real food, clean food, enough food for you body, and come in and hit the daily WOD's 3 to 5 times a week.  It will happen.  Maybe not in 2 weeks, maybe not even in 4 weeks, but it will happen!Remember anything worth doing, is worth doing well, and anything worth having takes time.  We don't want you to drop 10 lbs in a week, and put 15 back on in a month or two.  Just like we don't want you to get 1 pull up one time, we want you to be able to do multiple pull ups.Like the old saying goes, give someone a fish and feed them for a day, teach someone to fish and feed them for a lifetime.  Our goal is always to be able to teach you, the tools you need for an active an healthy life!  In 99% of these cases, they will take time!

Thursday, June 21, 2018


Gymnastics Skills with Steph.


Flight Simulator - Cap 25 MinutesComplete for time:5 unbroken double unders10 unbroken double unders15 unbroken double unders20 unbroken double unders25 unbroken double unders30 unbroken double unders35 unbroken double unders40 unbroken double unders45 unbroken double unders50 unbroken double unders45 unbroken double unders40 unbroken double unders35 unbroken double unders30 unbroken double unders25 unbroken double unders20 unbroken double unders15 unbroken double unders10 unbroken double unders5 unbroken double undersYou must stop between sets. You cannot jump single-unders between sets..

Level 2:

5-3030-5Same rules above aply.

Level 1:

Singles or DU Mix to5-5050-5Same rules apply.

Cash Out:

Mobility.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.Contact us:Address200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5Phone(705) 444-0006Follow us:


Saturday Summer Hours - Friday, June 22, 2018


Judging - Wednesday, June 20, 2018