Steph's Birthday WOD - Thursday, August 31/17
Happy B-day Coach Steph
Born 1990 = 1990m rowAugust 8th month = 8 rounds27 years old = 27 burpees (As Steph claims, can never do enough burpees)31st day = 31 foot HS Walk.
Check out this video of an Around the world HS walk progression: Click here if video doesn't SHOW UP[embed][/embed]
Happy Birthday Steph,
Your commitment and strive for excellence is incomparable, we're happy to have your instruction and knowledge shared with us on a daily basis. Your ability to suffer through tough workouts while barley slowing a pace, is something we all admire and kind of throw up a bit just watching you do it.Thank you for all you do, you're in the gym watching, teaching and cheering on people all day long sometimes before people wake up and still there after they go to sleep. Your dedication to fitness and CrossFit Indestri is incredible.So in a style I'm sure you will hate and love I mixed up 2 movements you love, and made everyone including you do a shitload of them. The Row can be done before or after the 8rds but it all starts at 0:00 and ends with either a cap or a time.If everyone crushes it early then I predict... I fear for the Cash Out she leaves you all with...Stouty
Thursday August 31, 2017
Focus: 15 mins
Handstand Walk Skill & Warm Up.
Workout Of the Day:
For Time: 45 min cap
Buy in or cash out with : 1990m Row8 rounds27 Burpees31 ft HandStand walk.
Lvl 2 Fitness
Buy in or cash out with : 1990m Row8 rounds27 Burpees31 ft Handstand walk max distance or 31ft on 6 attempts.
Lvl 1 Technique:
Buy in or cash out with : 1000m Row8 rounds27 Burpees8 Around the Worlds ( feet on box ).
Lvl 4 Competitor:
Buy in or cash out with : 1990m Row8 rounds27 Burpees31 ft HandStand walk( Handstand walk must be unbroken, every drop add a BMU to next round, complete before you start burpees)..
Cash Out:
Coaches Choice.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.