Sunday August 20/17

Sunday August 20, 2017


Cycle #2 Wendler

You finish the first cycle, you now add five pounds to your 1RM calculations for the two upper-body lifts and 10 pounds to your 1RM for the squat.So if your 1RM + 10lbs  in the back squat is 315 pounds, you use 285 (90%) as the base number for your training-weight calculations. Here's how it works:Take 90% of these 1RM and do the following:Bench PressBack SquatSh. Press


Set 1: 5 reps @ 65%Set 2: 5 reps @75%Set 3: 5 + reps @85%.When you see 5+, 3+, or 1+, that means you do the max reps you can manage with that weight, with the goal of setting a rep record in each workout.

Workout Of the Day: 15 mins

45 sec on15 sec off

  1. Lunges
  2. V-Ups
  3. Air Squats
  4. Russian Twists
  5. Right side Plank
  6. Left side Plank
  7. Flutter Kicks
  8. Push Ups
  9. Hollow body hold
  10. Mountain Climbers
  11. Row Cal
  12. Ski Cal
  13. Bike Cal
  14. Farmer Carries
  15. Plank Hold


Cash Out:

Coaches Choice.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.

Contact us:

Address200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5
Phone(705) 444-0006
Follow us:

"Helen" Monday August 21/17


Saturday - Coach Stouty Aug 19/17