Mobility, Strength & Conditioning at CF Indestri Jan 8/17
Recovery & Strength at Indestri
Whats on Sunday?
Sundays at CF Indestri are about mobility and Strength work. Mobility is the foundation of a injury free athlete. If we do not spend time addressing mobility issues or maintain good joint health then we increase our risk for injury. Poor technique and lack of mobility are the leading causes of injury in dynamic exercise. We try to implement mobility in our classes daily in the warm up and some cash outs, but it is your job to take these skills and continue to apply them in your daily routine. The mobility class is a great class to learn these skills and add them to your tool kit.
Why Strength & Conditioning Work?
We are working through the Juggernaut cycle in the Strength portion of class and the conditioning is constantly varied with functional movements. Strength work is important to keep our muscles in form to be able to handle load and repetition. It is thru strength work we develop the muscles to be able to snatch, clean, jump, pull and run. Every movemnt we do in the gym requires basic strength. In this class we build strength with power lifts and accessory work. We then condition those muscles with short intense metcon workouts..
Mobility Class - 9:00am - 10:00amStrength & Conditioning - 10:00am - 11:30am (90 mins).
Sunday January 8th 2017
Warm Up: 15 mins
Focus: Strength 45 mins
5x8 @ 65%Bench PressBack SquatSh. Press.
Workout Of the Day: Conditioning 10 mins
Lvl 3 Rx 10 Min EMOM:1 ROPE-CLIMB2 PUSH-PRESS 155/105.Lvl 4 Comp10 Min EMOM:1 ROPE-CLIMB LEGLESS2 PUSH-PRESS 185/125.Lvl 2 Fitness10 Min EMOM:3 LAY 2 STAND ROPE-CLIMB2 PUSH-PRESS 135/95.Lvl 1 Tech10 Min EMOM:3 LAY 2 STAND ROPE-CLIMB2 PUSH-PRESS 115/75 (from rack if needed).
Cash Out: Recovery 10 mins
TRICEP+LAT-STRETCH6x :15 Contract, :15 RelaxROLL-OUT-LATS 2:00/side.