Special - Monday, December 10th, 2018

I often spend some time at our annual Holiday Party, just looking around.  Watching everyone interact, talk, laugh, dance.  Like a wedding I try to sit for a few minutes to myself and just take it all in.  Why you ask?  Because it's a pretty special community we have.  

Let's be honest, to most of the outside world if you said you were going you 'gyms' Christmas Party, what would they think?  At a lot of gyms your lucky to know the names of a handful of people.  Forget knowing anything about them.  That is one of the things that makes CrossFit what it is.   SPECIAL!

More then just knowing each others names, we know + more importably we care to know about you!  You're interest, what you do for a living, your family, your pets, etc….  There's a special bond that's created suffering together inside the gym, that connects us outside of the gym.  When we run into one another outside of CFI, we don't just nod + smile, we stop and chat, have conversations, because we genuinely care.

So I (Jen) always spend some time at our Holiday Party, just taking it in!  Appreciating what a truly special community of people we have.  I have full confidence that I can also speak for Steph + Stouty when I say we are very grateful to have each + every one of you as part of our community!  Thank you for seeing in CFI what we do, without you, we would just be a big open space with a kickass rig, a bunch of sweet equipment + loud music!  

12 Days of Christmas

3 Burpee Box Jump Over 24/20
2 Atlas Stones

Monday, December 10th, 2018


5 position CleansThenEMOM Seconds for 7 rds5 Power CleansT&G


WOD: Benchmark

"Elizabeth"21-15-9Power Clean 135/95Ring Dip


Level 2:


Power Clean 95/65

Box Dip


Level 1:


Power Clean

Push Up


Cash Out:

Coaches Choice


Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD


Contact us:

Address: 200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5

Phone: (705) 444-0006

Follow us:


Self Talk - Tuesday, December 11th, 2018


By the clock- Sunday, December 9th, 2018