Please sign in! - Saturday May 13/17
Please sign in!
Please sign in for class! We understand that sometimes it's last min whether you can make it to class or not, so you may not have signed in. But there are a number of you who come to class everyday and never sign in! There are a number of reasons why we ask you to sign in for class, so please start signing in for class! Sit down on Sunday night and sign in for the whole week if need be, but we need you to sign in!If for any reason your sign in is not working or you have forgotten your password let us know and we would be happy to send you a password reset.
Saturday May 13, 2017
Workout Of the Day:
6 Rds: You go I go ( 3 Rds each)10 Kettlebell Clean & Jerks, 24/163 Ring Muscle-ups.Rest 3 minutes.4 Rds: split as needed50 Double-unders10 Overhead Squats 135/95.Rest 3 minutes.1 Rd: both work together1 Mile Sled Pull/Push - 250 lb. /185 lb..Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.