WZA - Monday, Sept 17th, 2018

The Wodapalooza

If you haven't heard of the online challenge for the Wodapalooza fitness festival, it starts on October 3rd.  Anyone can sign up and try to earn a spot in the January Fitness festival in Miami FL. I (Stouty) was part of the programming team for the workouts.  We will be putting the qualifier workouts into our weekly class programming, so you can complete them in class.  If you're serious interested in trying to qualify, you can record the class WOD, no judges needed just video proof. (Please just speak to the coach to let them know prior to the class)If you don't care about qualifying we're still encouraging you to sign up and have fun with it.There is a level for everyone, scaled, intermediate, Rx, Elite, Masters, Teens and Adaptive.  The Wodapalooza is the most inclusive competition in the world and is celebrating it's 8th year of success.  An added bonus to having you sign up, is the affiliate challenges. If our affiliate has top numbers signed up for the online challenge we could win new equipment like assault bikes or barbell set ect.Remember it is for fun and community so if you want to be in we would love for you to sign up.Sign up here:  

Monday, September 17th, 2018


Complex5 Rounds in 12 minutesDead LiftHang Power CleanFront SquatSh2OHBack SquatSh2OH.

WOD: " The Incredible Hulk"

20 Minute AMRAP5 Dead Lift 115/755 Hang Power Clean 115/755 Front Squat 115/755 Push Press 115/755 Back Squat 115/75.

Level 2:

20 Minute AMRAP5 Dead Lift 75/555 Hang Power Clean 75/555 Front Squat 75/555 Push Press 75/555 Back Squat 75/55.

Level 1:

May use a rack to transition5 Dead Lift 45/355 Hang Power Clean 45/355 Front Squat 45/355 Push Press4 5/355 Back Squat 45/35 

Cash Out:

Coaches Choice.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.Contact us:Address200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5Phone(705) 444-0006Follow us:


Indestructible - Tuesday, September 18th, 2018


Partner WOD in the AM then LP Workshop - Sunday, September 16th, 2018