Under the weather - Monday, January 22, 2018
Under the Weather
((Snapchat has some fun filters. Please note the filter is to illustrate only, Jen's not actually sick!))
You can get a cold or the flu at anytime of the year, however in the winter months it seems to be a more prevalent time. So if you get sick what should you do about your training? Come "sweat it out" or stay home and rest?The answer is, stay home and rest! Let's face it, most want to come to the gym and sweat it out, or don't want to miss a day of training. But honestly, your body needs rest to be able to recover. Your immune system is working overtime to fight off whatever it is that's invaded it. Coming in to the gym to sweat it out, is likely to only add further stress to your body. Not only that, but honestly, no one else wants to get sick, so coming in to sweat, maybe coughing and sneezing could cause others in the gym to contract whatever it is your fighting.If you're feeling under the weather, please take some time to rest and recover and let your bodies immune system do its job, then come back healthy.***Please don't forget to always wipe down all the equipment you've used, we're all about sharing, but we'd rather not share any germs, and we're sure you wouldn't either. We do go around the gym and clean the equipment on a regular bases, but we can't always get to it between classes, so please wipe down your equipment as you're putting it away. We greatly appreciate it, as does the person using it after you!***
Monday, January 22, 2018
CleansWarm & Skill Review2 reps EMOM for 8 Minutes Increasing to workout weight or heavier.
9-7-5Cleans 225/155BMU.
Level 2:
9-7-5Cleans 75% of 1 RMBurpee Jumping BMU
Level 1:
9-7-5Power Clean + Front SquatJumping BMU.
Cash Out:
Coaches Choice.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.