Db Swing Press Monday, Feb 13/17
Always Learning & Evolving
Db Swing Press
Monday we are learning to Db Swing Press, this movement is popular when moving logs more like a viper press and in the strongman side of things. The beauty of the Db Swing press is it can be taught to most skill levels and almost be used with any weighted object you find in the gym. The barbell is the least likely piece of equipment you would actually try to swing Press and that always gets me excited as the more often we can find ways to get full floor to overhead movements with out a barbell the better. ( Again this is my mind ... You can visit but it is a dangerous place to live.)This will be a first for many to learn this movement but it will be a great WOD to learn it in as we are not setting a weight and the reps are low. Learning new movements helps to keep us constantly varied as well as expose weakness which allows us to attack weakness in programming making you a better well rounded athlete ready for anything. GPPHave a good start to the weekStouty.
Monday February 13th 2017
Back Squat1x5 @ 75%2x5 @ 85%1x AMRAP @ 90%1x AMRAP @ 80%.
Workout Of the Day: 30 minute Cap
10 Rds AFAP6 Jumping Lunge over Paralette (3 per side)1 Suicide (5m, 10m ,15m)5 Burpee Db Swing Press AHAPRest 30 seconds between sets.Lvl 2 Fitness10 Rds AFAP6 Jumping Lunge over PVC (3 per side)1 Suicide (5m, 10m ,15m)5 Burpee Db Thruster AHAPRest 30 seconds between sets.Lvl 1 Technique10 Rds AFAP6 Reverse Db Lunges1 Shuttle Run (Down & Back)5 Burpees (with clap & Jump)Rest 30 seconds between sets.Lvl 4 Competitor10 Rds AFAP6 Jumping Lunge over Paralette with Plate & Twist (3 per side)1 "Suicide" (5m, 10m ,15m)5 Manmaker to Db Swing Press AHAPRest 30 seconds between sets.
Cash Out:
Immediately after you finish Breathe and recover walk 10 laps.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD