Spirit of the Games - Monday, August 14/17

Spirit of the Games

The CrossFit Games season has wrapped up now.  Not only were the Fittest Athletes in the Sport of CrossFit awarded their titles for 2017.  But another very special award is given out each year.  I love waiting around and watching to see who is award this award.The Spirit of the Games!  This award is handed out by Nicole Carroll.  CrossFit OG and the Director of Training at CFHQ.

Nicole's speech before handing out the award:

"The beautiful thing about CrossFit is that there is no shortage of spirit and character in any category here.  That makes it hard to identify a single recipient for the Spirit of the Games Award.  And it's been especially challenging this year….So, how do we choose a recipient when so many are worthy?  We look at all the spaces in between  We take our eyes off the leader board and put them on the athletes when they aren't competing to be the Fittest on Earth.  We look at how they carry themselves in transition and waiting and how they represent themselves behind the scenes.  We consider how they interact with their peers and staff members, and how they deal with the challenges and frustrations of competition, small or large.  Often, we look in the opposite directions of the cameras.  We look for the times when, "No one is watching" because those are the times when true character is revealed.I love this award.  I love giving this award.  To me, it represents CrossFit's heart and soul.  This award embodies the phrase, "CrossFit makes people better!"  We don't mean CrossFit simply give people better Fran times or cuter butts and leaver lifts.  Those things are cool, but the phrase really means something else:  We are a community of like minded individuals who care about each other and share the common purpose of spreading health.  From curing chronic disease to creating happier, kinder and more confident and connected humans.  This award goes to a special person who reminds us that we, as CrossFit athletes and trainers, have a gift to give the world that transcends aesthetics and points on a leader board.This year's Spirit of the Games award goes to : Cole Sager!"


What does this have to do with CFI and why are we sharing it?

Because very much like Nicole's speech, what we strive to do at CFI transcends aesthetics, how heavy your CrossFit Total was, if you RX'd the workout today, or if you took part in a local competition and took a podium place!  All of those things are absolutely great, and we celebrate them all with you.  But what we truly strive to do within the walls of CFI, is to create happier, healthier, better humans!  

Monday August 14, 2017


Sumo Dead liftsE2MOM for 8 minutes3 SDL @ 70% 0f DL 1RM.

Workout Of the Day:

24 min AMRAP 200m Run5 Front Squats 185/13515 pull ups200m Run10 Sumo Dead Lifts 185/13515 HSPU.Lvl 2 Fitness5 RFT200m Run5 Front Squats 155/10515 Jumping pull ups200m Run10 Sumo Dead Lifts 155/10515 Pike Push Up or.Lvl 1 Technique5 RFT200m Run5 Front Squats 155/10515 Ring Rows200m Run10 Sumo Dead Lifts 135/9510 HS Hold 45 secs.Lvl 4 Competitor5 RFT200m Run5 Front Squats 225/1555 Ring Muscle-ups200m Run10 Sumo Dead Lifts 225/15510 Strict HSPU.

Cash Out:

Coaches Choice.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.

Contact us:

Address200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5
Phone(705) 444-0006
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Strength Day - Tuesday August 15/17


Sunday August 13/17