Upcoming - Monday, April 1st, 2019


Now that the open is over, and we thought we were into Spring. Let's hope this is the last of the snow. We've got a bunch of exciting things coming up at CFI....

Monday, April, 22nd, - Easter Monday, 9:30am WOD only.

Saturday, April 27th, - Co-Ed Festivus Games, still a few spots to sign up for any teams interested, or we need judges and volunteers to help if you can help us out. ((No classes this day.))

Monday, May 20th, - MURPH, Annually on the Monday of Victoria Day weekend we hit Murph. Stay tuned for details on timing for the workout for this holiday Monday. After Murph we will having a BBQ | Potluck at the gym.

We also have a few Gymnastics clinics lead by Coach Steph that will happening, we're currently working on dates.

We're looking to do hosting a swim clinic at the Town pool which will be lead by Coach Steph + Jen. Working on dates and times.

For those who have been asking about the lil kilos + big gainz kids session's, there will be a spring session coming, we're revamping the program after the fall session + will share details in the next couple weeks please stay tuned.

We're hoping the CCI track will be left open this summer so we can once again have Track Nite, for those looking to jump into some extra endurance.

We have a few other exciting things in the works. We'll share details once finalized......

Monday, April 1st, 2019

Focus: 14 mins

10 min EMOM 2 lengths Farmer Carry
KB @ 32/24 per hand
4 min EMOM 1 Length L/ 1 Length R
Suit Case Carry @ 24/16



35 Double Unders
25 Calorie
15 T2B

Level 2:

35 Double Under Mix
25 Calorie
15 Knee raise

Level 1:

50 Single Unders
15 Calories
15 Toes to Kettlebell

Cash Out:

Coaches Choice

Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD
Contact us:
Address: 200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5
Phone: (705) 444-0006
Follow us on Instagram @crossfit_indestri


Iceland Bound - Tuesday, April 2nd, 2019


Masters Comp - Sunday Strength 30/19