Open Gym - Thursday, January 2nd, 2020

Open Gym

We hope everyone had a wonderful New Years.  We’re back to our regular schedule....Moving in to 2020 we have a slight change to the Open Gym times.  Beginning next Monday, January 6th, there will be no Open Gym from 4pm-5pm on Monday’s, Wednesday’s + Friday’s during the kids class.We also ask that for those who are utilizing open gym times, that you please sign in for open gym.  There are times throughout the year when we have some sport specific team training | group gym rentals | field trip bookings.  We do our best to try + make everyone aware of any schedule changes, Zenplanner + our social media are our fastest forms of Communication to make everyone aware of these changes.  Also on the off chance that we ever have to close the gym due to weather conditions, zenplanner is updated first, + also allows us to reach out to those who are signed in.We thank you for your understanding.For those who are wondering about Open Gym, we have an Open Gym policy + FAQ section on our website at!Happy New Year!  We’re back to regular hours now! 

Thursday, January 2nd, 2020


Complex x 6

Power snatch

Snatch Balance




Every minute on the minute for 30 minutes:

1 Power Snatch @ 70%

1 Overhead Squat

Cash Out:

Coaches ChoiceCheck back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD .Contact us:Address: 200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5Phone: (705) 444-0006Follow us on Instagram @crossfit_indestri


Ten - Friday, January 3rd, 2020


Happy New Year - Wednesday, January 1st, 2020