Whats the WOD?? - Friday, October 26th, 2018
What is the WOD tomorrow??
Do you know how many times I get asked this a week??I'll let you in on a secret the wod is going to be CrossFit and it is going to involve fitness. The WOD is going to be Scalable and it will be functional and it will be built to increase your fitness level and help you stay on the wellness & fitness side of the continuum. If you are wondering about the workout is as you may not attend class due to movements you cant do, difficulty of the intensity level or movements you do not like... then I have another secret for you. If you base your workouts you attend on those factors you don't actually really CrossFit. CrossFit is General prepared fitness, done with functional movements, at high intensity and is constantly varied. Key word there is constantly varied! That's how we get better at the general preparedness part. Picking things we like or movements we can do versus new movements or ones we struggle with is not how we get better, its how you specialize. CrossFit specializes in not specializing.Every movement can be scaled, modified for ability or injury or even lack of mobility and fitness level. Every coach at Indestri can do that for you if you communicate your concerns or injuries. We (as coaches) look at the stimulus of the workout and then modify for that purpose if you are injured, we look at the skill in a movement and scale for your ability to help you become better movers. If you have an injury that will never let you squat does that mean you don't come squat days??? ( If that were the case I could never CrossFit as 70% of movements we do are squat based, although i can get to the bottom of a squat I'm not coming back up lol ) So of course you come, because your coach knows you can't because you told them and they have a huge bag of movements at their disposal that will allow you to increase your fitness level and keep you safe and part of the class.Lastly if you are wondering about the workout because you are tired and sore and worried you will not be able to perform... Then that is a great indicator to take a rest day or come to the gym and ask for some mobility and maintenance work. You can still be part of the class and warm up, cool down and socialize, just might be doing stretches while others are doing bench press,, and that's OK and that is being smart allowing you to stay on the positive side of the continuum.Sooooo.... next time you are about to ask "Whats the WOD tomorrow?"Think, why am I asking? and just realize my answer is always going to be .. "It's CrossFit, see ya tomorrow"
- Coach Stouty
Friday, October 26th, 2018
Bench PressDescending ladder 10-8-6-4-2Increasing weight each set starting at approximate 50% @10 repsaiming for 90% @2 reps.
WOD: 20 mins
4x3 min Rounds20 Db push pressMax rep pull upsRest 2 mins between rounds.**Scale Up with Strict Presses & Weighted Pull Ups**.
Level 2
20 Db Push Press 35/20Max rep banded strict pull upsRest 2 mins.
Level 1
20 Push PressJumping Pull ups or max rep ring rows.
Cash Out:
2 min Plank.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.Contact us:Address: 200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5Phone: (705) 444-0006Follow us: