'Tis the Season - Friday, November 16th, 2018
'Tis the Season
Reminder that this Saturday morning is the Ho Ho Holiday 5k run. The gym will be closed on Saturday, no class or open gym. Instead please come downtown Collingwood and join us in our CrossFit Indestri Winter Warm Up Land + WOD Shop area at the Ho Ho Holiday 5k. We will have a workout area, so you can get a workout in.If you're unable to make it downtown, run 5k as a workout!Also reminder that we have a float in the Santa Claus Parade happening at 5pm. The parade line up starts on St. Marie Street, we will be in the line up for 4:30pm. We will post on our social media pages where to meet us. Kids are more than welcome to join us and sit on the float!!Dress warm, wear an elf hat if you have it. Just no dressing like Santa as per the parade instructions. So if you're doing the run earlier, your unable to wear the suit for the parade. We hope to see lots of you out! It's a great way to show Collingwood what CrossFit Indestri is all about!
Friday, November 16th, 2018
Focus: 12 Minutes
Dead Lift6 RdsE2MOM 5 deads touch & goBuild Weight.
WOD: 20 minutes
Teams of 2
2 Rds for max reps (1 works 1 rests)
Minute 1: Dead Lifts 225/155Minute 2: Assault Bike Cal SprintsMinute 3: Burpee Box Jump overs 20/24Minute 4: Med Ball Cleans 20/14Minute 5: Kb Swings 24/16Minute 6: Concept Max Cal SprintMinute 7: Ski Erg Sprints Max CalMinute 8: Med ball Sit ups ( passing between)Minute 9: Sled Sprints ( Small Gym)Minute 10: Max Battle Ropes Scale weight and heights.
Cash Out:
Coaches Choice.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.Contact us:Address: 200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5Phone: (705) 444-0006Follow us: