Fitness is: CrossFit - Friday, May 18th, 2018
Fitness is: CrossFit
Hey so Continue from Wednesday, I want to talk about CrossFit, fitness and health and leave you with a unified sense of where CrossFit fits in all of these. The Original plan laid out by Greg Glassman was to develop a fitness program that was broad, general and inclusive. A program that specialized in not specializing, and they were told they cant do it... well too bad he did it.Greg Gasman ( Coach) The founder/ CAO of CrossFit was the first to define "fitness" in a meaningful & measurable way.
CrossFit is Fitness
If someone asks you what is CrossFit and the text book answer isConstantly VariedHigh IntensityFunctional MovementNow if you give that answer to most of the people in the world that don't CrossFit they will look at you like .... yeah ok.... Weirdo.But lets take a few sentences to really explain it.
Why Constantly varied?
Because we want to take all the things you do in movement, keep the things you do well and amp up the shit you suck at. I don't want you to just continue to focus on the stuff you do great, If that was the case then go do something your good at and just train the shit out of it, DONE..But I want you to be good at everything, CrossFit wants us to be prepared for anything life throws at us and we look at it and say "yeah I can work my way through that task" General Prepared FitnessIts simple as that, do everything with no rhyme or reason, Dead lift and Run, Carry a stone and jump on a box, work out for 1 hour, do a metcon at 5 minutes. be Intense but safe and only increase intensity as skill allows. SIMPLE AF
Why High Intensity?
Now the word intensity has caught some bad vibes and thrown around by many fitness experts. The Global gym guy will say crossfitters are too intense but when he goes for a run he needs to stuff his fanny pack with 15 power bars and a water pack on his back because he doesn't understand what intensity is..Intensity=PowerThe global gym dude lifts weights, looks good but averages 5-10 minutes of rest between simple non exerting exercise. We need these exercises in our program to help keep a base muscle structure, They are a component of structure but have no correlation towards of training Intense. There is nothing intense about it.The endurance athlete says well I can run for fucking hours... Great but you can pick up a barbell or jump up a curb because you have no twitch muscle so as long as you don't have to be explosive ever in your life... your fine. again we need endurance training and aerobic capacity but it can not be the base of our training, it needs to be mixed in at intervals of intensity.
We need to do everything, we need to amp up the intensity every time we get good at something, stay safe in the process but never get comfortable. If your good at box jumps at 24 inches, then run 800m meters and do them, still good at it? then run harder, jump to 30 inches, Carry weight add squats. keep varying those components at high intensity until you find the part that makes it hard again and train there as long as you can do it safe. Find the shit you suck at, train it safely and intensely until you don't suck at it, then amp it up gain.
Why Functional Movement?
Functional Movement means something different to everyone these days. I could sit in-front of a Pilates expert, a yoga expert, a TRX and Personal trainer and say we are adding functional movement to Fitness, ad they would all be nodding going yeah! Finally functional movement! and it wouldn't mean the same thing to any of them.. If I'm saying functional movement and they are all nodding but working off different definitions, then I'm basically I'm not saying anything and they are hearing Nothing. Glassman gave CrossFit a definition for Functional Movement. He did that so when we say functional movement we all are thinking the same thing.Glassman defined it as:Functional Movement are those movements that are categorically unique in their ability to express power.Simple right?.Functional movement is built in your DNAThey are core to extremity, they are relation to everyday movements.It can be measured, weight, height, time, distance. POWER.
CrossFit Equation
Intensity = Power, and Power = Force x Distance / Time
Moving large loads over distance quicklyBasically the more fit you are, the more weight you can move, over longer distances at faster rates..We forget to talk about these things all the time but they are what are the most important when achieving measurable results. These are the base of how the whole program was designed and from these formulas everything else was created. These are used in every class I program, every wod takes all of the above into account..Fitness = Increased work capacity, across broad time and modal domains.
Crossfit stated in 2005 the following and it remains true today.
"All CrossFit workouts are based on functional movements, and these movements reflect the best aspects of gymnastics, weightlifting, endurance and more. These are the core movements of life. They move the largest loads the longest distances, so they are ideal for maximizing the amount of work done in the shortest time. Intensity is essential for results and is measurable as work divided by time—or power. The more work you do in less time, or the higher the power output, the more intense the effort. By employing a constantly varied approach to training, functional movements and intensity lead to dramatic gains in fitness." It's CrossFit! we love it and we hope you do to.I know we can be overly enthusiastic sometimes, we honestly just want you to be the best version of you... You can be! We want you to leave each day feeling like you did something good or learned something new about yourself. We want you to succeed and we want you to fail, because we believe its from both of these things that we learn the most and grow!For a lot of us We discovered nutrition that works, sleep patterns and have been introduced to more functional fitness movements then we could ever imagine because of this program. Its why i love it, I love doing this with people who feel the same way. we want to be healthier, live longer and live well. There is a tsunami of disease and bull shit coming our way. I think this is our best way to fight back. I leave you with this to read, its long but very informative and if its been a while since you remembered why you walked through those doors, or if you did come through the doors but never really understood what Fitness we are trying to teach.. Then read this, and this goes for coaches and members.[embed][/embed]
Friday, May 18, 2018
For Time:50 Wall Balls 20/141000m Row50 wall Balls 20/14.
Cash Out:
Coaches Choice.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.Contact us:Address: 200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5Phone: (705) 444-0006Follow us: