18.3 - Friday, March 9, 2018
And just like that we're already in the 3rd week of the 2018 CrossFit Open. This has to be both the longest and fastest 5 weeks of the year! A few reminders going in to week 3. This week we have SQ71 on site setting up with some great deals on their gear! It's also Superhero week, so come dressed as your favourite superhero!! We've been a little slack on the 'theme' weeks so hopefully we can pick it up this Saturday.For Saturday, athletes and judges please be on site for 9am for us to doing a quick brief of any and all movement standards, as well as to put your name on the board for a heat time and begin warming up. For anyone who has to work on Saturday, please make arrangements with Jen or Steph to get judged on Friday during classes between 9:30am - 6:30pm or open gym times (if possible.) We prefer to not leave it until Monday if at all possible.We also came across a post that was sent out from another affiliate to their members we thought we share:
Attention all members! Get ready for a little lesson!!!! Uh oh! But it's coming at you because I love you all and I want to see you do your best.
As we progress through the weeks of the open there is some very important information to keep in mind. Adhering to the movement standards is the foundation of the Open and CrossFit in general. This is why CrossFit is such an effective method. We can actually measure progress overtime through these standards!To some the athlete's credit, sometimes we don't know if we are squatting below parallel. This is why it is so important to ensure the judges are communicating effectively with the athlete before and DURING the workout. Before each open WOD all athletes should perform a few repetitions in front of the judges so that both are on the same page when it comes to individual's range of motion. Judges need to call "No Rep" during the workout - don't worry if the athlete's score will suffer, this is all part of the process. The judge should not even need to question your reps. In other words, if you aren't sure that person stood up fully at the top of a squat or lock out overhead chances are, they didn't. So don't blink an eye and call it a no rep and continue on.The judge isn't there to just count reps or half-reps. More importantly, they are to ensure the athlete is adhering to the movement standards. If you are unsure of a specific standard, ask a coach!We are in the moment during the open workouts and giving it our all but at the end of it, can you really feel accomplished if you know that you did not have full hip extension at the top of the reps or hit your chest off the floor in your burpee? Maybe your score will suffer a little bit but at least you can say that you gave it your 100% best and did not cut corners just to nudge yourself higher on the leaderboard (if you care about that stuff!!!).At the end of the day, we are all doing this is for fun, right?!! But typically our little competitive spirit can come tapping on our shoulder making us want to push for better scores and re-do the WODs - which is totally AWESOME! But never forget we should not sacrifice ROM or judging quality in order to get a better score.Thanks for reading folks! You guys are inspiration and absolutely crushing your own expectations! So keep up the great work and i'm sorry for being a bit hard but it's all for your own good.
This was shared by another affiliate owner in the Canada East region. As athletes competing we need to remember to hold ourselves to the movement standards and as judges as well. It doesn't make the athlete your judging a better athlete by allowing some 'no reps' to slide because they're your friend and you feel bad. What makes them a better athlete is helping them to adhere to the standards of movement. Something CFI has always taken great pride in.So, congratulations on the first two weeks of the open and some great workouts, times and movement! We're very proud of everyone! Now let's see what Castro has for us this week…...Also be sure to check out the blog posting tomorrow for some nutrition tips from Sarah!
Friday, March 9, 2018
Skill prep for open wod.
WOD: 18.3
Visit www.crossfitgames.com for WOD
.Alternate WOD15 minutes EMOM1. 15 Wall balls2. 15 kB swings3. 45 sec Max Distance low belly carry.
Cash Out:
Coaches Choice.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.