Nutrition - Friday, Jan 4th, 2019


We came across the forward that Rich Froning Jr. wrote for the RP Strength book awhile ago + have been wanting to share it with you. With the start of the new year comes resolutions + goals, which are all amazing. But with the new year also comes lots of posts, promotions + ads, which we touched on somewhat a couple days ago, inciting you to join this or that program, product, etc. So we thought now was as good a time as any to share.

The second section of Froning's forward is spot on.

"Over my many years in sport, I have encountered countless trends, fads and misconceptions in nutrition. Some pop up for only a short time, other last decades, and some even come and go every few years. Unfortunately, most do not work in the long term - to notably and sustainably change your appearance and performance. I have seen too many well-meaning, motivated people get ripped off and denied their best results because they invested in a fad diet approach."

When you think of nutrition, think about what will work for you for a lifetime rather then just 6 weeks. Sure little challenges are great kick starters + resets to help motivate + give you a jump start. But if you've tried a challenge + the second it's done you've gone right back to old ways, how about starting to look a things a little differently. Take smaller steps to a lifestyle change rather than a "diet", and maybe put a positive spin on it. "diets" are restricting + have you "stop" doing / eating a lot of things. Instead how about you start doing something rather than stopping. i.e.) Start eating more greens, or start eating less bread.

When it comes to nutrition also remember that it's not a one size fits all. While being Paleo might work for some, it might not for all. Keto might just be too restricting for some, but other's might thrive on it. And just plain old eating clean might work the best for others. Experiment, see what works for you + what allows you to enjoy your food. And lastly, make sure that you are eating enough!

**Note this isn't a sales pitch for the RP book, what Rich had to say just really rang true.

Friday, Jan 4th, 2019


Squat Therapy
Thruster Warm Up



1000m Row
50 Thrusters 45/35
30 Pull-Ups

Level 2:
1000m Row
50 Thrusters
30 Jumping Pull Ups

Level 1:
750m Row
35 Thrusters
30 Ring Rows


Cash Out:
Coaches Choice


Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD


Contact us:

Address: 200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5

Phone: (705) 444-0006

Follow us on Instagram @crossfit_indestri


- Saturday, Jan 5th, 2019


One more gift - Thursday, Jan 3rd, 2019