Live - Friday Feb 24/17
The open announcement is live at and on the CrossFit Games Facebook Page at 8pm tonight! Tune in to see what Saturday has in store for us. And watch two different epic throw downs between CrossFit Games Athletes!
Friday's 6:30pm Open Prep Class
As we are doing the open workouts on Saturday's at CFI. This gives you an excellent opportunity to attend our 6:30pm Open Prep class with Coach Steph. She will help you with strategies to attack the workout, etc. While you might test some areas of the workout in the class, you will not be hitting the full open WOD.
Friday February 24th 2017
Power Snatch.
Workout Of the Day:
Partner WOD
14 Min AMRAP12 Wall balls 20/14 - Unbroken10 Power Snatch 75/558 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20.
Lvl 2 & Lvl 1 options
12 Wall balls ( Unbroken) pic a weight you can do 1510 Power Snatch 65/458 Burpee Box Jumps - set to a height you can jump.
Cash Out:
Cool down Stretches.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD