Open WOD Announcement - Feb 2/17
Open WOD Announcement
The open WOD announcements have changed a little since 2012. For those who are about to participate in their first ever CrossFit Games Open this year, beginning on Thursday, Feb 23rd at 8pm est. and continuing on each Thursday night for 5 weeks, Dave Castro (Director of the CrossFit Games) will come together at different locations with Games Athletes to announce live on the open workout. Immediately following the announcement, you will be able to watch those athletes throw down live.The open is a lot of fun! If you haven't already, register now and join our CrossFit Indestri team.Details on how the open will work at CFI this year later this week!
Thursday February 2nd 2017
Focus: 15 minutes
Groups of 3
Ski Erg: 5x20sec sprint 40 sec rest
Bike: 5x20sec sprint 40 sec rest
Sleds: 5x20sec sprint 40 sec rest
Workout Of the Day: Open WOD 12.3
18 min AMRAP15 Box jumps, 24/20115/75 pound Push press, 12 reps9 Toes-to-bar
Lvl 2 Fitness18 min AMRAP15 Box jumps, 20/1295/65 pound Push press, 12 reps9 Toes as high as possible.Lvl 1 Technique18 min AMRAP15 Box jumps, 12/875/55 pound Push press, 12 reps9 Knee Raises.
Cash Out:
QUAD Roll out 2 minsThoracic Roll Out 2 MinutesLat Smash 2 Minutes.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD