Crossfit Indestri WOW for week of April 19th 2015

Crossfit, Yoga, Strongman, Gymnastic, Weight Lifting, Mobility & Endurance

All Under the same membership at Indestri

This week at Crossfit Indestri you are going to be Sweating, Running, Lifting and generally cursing my name! Hope you enjoy I know i will :)


Tyson and I will be away this week but we leave you in great hands with Our fantastic coaches and new part Owner Steph McKean. We figured Steph spends so much time in the box and invest so much time in each of you she might as well be an owner. Luckily Steph agreed and now she can't leave hahahaha! I am excited to be moving forward with Steph, Tyson & Sarah. The future of Indestri is bright and we hope you get everything you need from here and continue to grow with this family!


Competitions Coming Up

We Lift Athletics

6am Regular Aron Knight will be competing with his wife on May 30th in a pairs WE Lift Athletics Competition. There is a 40 + masters male and female division as well as a coed pairs division. I encourage anyone interested to compete!11149440_366209016902755_7203185634342297087_n Sign up here:…/we-lift-athletics-battle-o…/Coach Morgan & Erin Guthrie have expressed interest so far to join in the fun. They will need a male partner so please connect with them if you are interested as well join in on the action with your own team. Also we have some kick ass masters that I think would do well if the interest is there!

Strongman Comp Trip

Coach Todd & Coach Sarah.R are heading to a strongman competition in Niagara Falls and would like to have a few more competitors come with them. The Comp is May 23rd 2015 and they will be training for this on Saturdays’s during the Heavy Wod at 10:00am.  Contact coach Todd at

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Indestri Boys Play some Hockey

This past weekend some of Indestri boys hit the Ice to play a little "Hackey" It was a 3 on 3 format with a Goalie organized by Mike Jackson called Collingwood Fours. They had a great time and got to put their fitness and beer drinking abilities to the test :)10613036_10155644636595556_453785171712715771_n11173349_893558730685656_2825142951070495397_n22018_893592634015599_4463701332109458884_n

Another new face in the box!

We have someone new starting so often now it's crazy. We have slacked on introducing them here in the blog. We will get back on top of it.This report came from Coach Todd:

"So Jacob Carr killed it today, got 208 using 65# on the bar and 14# wallball. There was one point he felt he was going to puke but held it together, a true fighter."

Hello Jacob, there will be other times you will feel as you may puke... Welcome to crossfi Indestri!

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History of Squats

The Squat is a natural movement humans have done since they existed. If you pay attention you’ll notice people all over the world Squat, often unconsciously. Quick examples…- Babies routinely play while sitting in a Squat position, and will Squat to stand up.- Many races of people often rest in a Squatting position when eating or waiting for the bus.- Squatting was the natural way to defecate before sitting toilets existed 

Why Squat?

Squats Build Strength. The Squat is the best exercise for building overall strength. Here’s why:

Squats strengthen your largest, longest, most powerful muscles – glutes, sartorius and soleus.

Squats strengthen your posterior chain muscles – hamstrings, glutes, lower back, calves, etc

Squats strengthen your posterior chain through the longest range of motion (half your length)

Squats require you to balance the weight which works your abs, obliques, shoulders, arms, etc

Squats work your whole body as one piece (NOT in isolation) like you move outside the gym

Squats stress your body with the heaviest weights – the more you lift, the stronger you are

How to Squat

1. Grab the bar with a medium grip. Put your feet directly under the bar, get under it and put it between your traps and rear shoulder muscles (“High Bar vs Low Bar”). Chest up, upper-back tight.

2. Unrack the bar by Squatting up. Take one step back with one leg, one with your other leg. Stand straight with your knees and hips locked for maximum stability. Keep your upper-back tight.

3. Take a big breath, hold it and Squat. Do this by pushing your knees to the side and your hips back and down. Squat until you break parallel – your hip crease must go below the top of your knee.

4. Hold your breath at the bottom. Don’t stop but quickly reverse the movement by driving your hips straight up. Keep your knees out, your chest up and your upper-back tight.

5. Lock your hips and knees at the top. Exhale and rest a second. Then take a big breath, hold it and Squat your next rep. After your fifth rep, rack the weight by stepping forward.


Spread the floor with your feet

Knees Out

Eyes Up, Head Up, Chest Up

Lock Down your core

Re set each rep

Lets get ready to rumble with This weeks WOW!


WOW FOR WEEK OF April 6th at

Crossfit Indestri Collingwood


MONDAY: Might as well start the week with Burpees, that way the rest of the week will either seem easy or at least it cant get any worse... Right?

FullSizeRender 2Buy In: If your gonna run in a wod... you better run in warm up.

Run 800

Coach led Dynamic Warm up


Focus: Just wait until we finally get to a barbell Sh. Press (I smell Pr's)

KB Sh Press  7-7-5-3-3


WOD: The way my mind works when choosing a Monday WOD. Stage 1 What are the 2 most basic horrible Crossfit movements. Stage 2 How many reps do they need to do to almost puke. Stage 3 Should I make it harder with something awkward? "Yes"Stage 4 Self talk "Great Job Chris"For Time:

24  Burpees,  1200m run,

16 Burpees 800m run,

8 Burpees, 400m run

(Run with plate 45/25)


CashOut: Planks for coming Out!

3x 1min plank hold

30 sec rest

(side, middle, side)


TUESDAY: True Story 


Buy In:  Circuit training has its place in the fitness world... as a Crossfit warm up!

Foam Roll


12 mins Circuit (Groups of 4 max)

2x40sec/rest 20secs

Station#1 Weighted Step ups

Station#2 DB Thrusters

Station#3 Row

Station#4 kb soccer step ups

Station#5 Assault Bike Sprints 

Station#6 Lateral hurdle Hops


Focus: Technique is king

Dead Lift 3-3-3-3-3


WOD: Classic Crossfit Benchmark 



DU & Situps


CashOut: More than 1 way to skin a cat

Coach Led Mobility


WEDNESDAY: You wouldn't like me when I'm hangry

IMG_1315.full Buy In: Even I don't like myself for doing this to you :) 

3 rounds of Cindy


Death by inchworm push up (2-4-6-8-10 etc)


Focus: This will make your but look great but does not give you squatters rightsIMG_1316.full

Back squat



WOD: Hey there's rest in this wod! So you should be able to go really fast!


14 T2B

7 thrusters 135/95

rest 3 mins then


10 T2B

5 thrusters 135/95


Cash Out: Get all your friends and Let's go to the Strict Club

10 strict pull ups


THURSDAY: Strength & Skill Day 


Buy In: Running may be limited to seasons but you can count on the fact that Skipping will always be here!

2 Rounds

10 BJ

10 Push Ups

10 Wall Balls


EMOM 6mins

30 secs DU


Skill/ Strength Day: A perfect match - a little Gym-Nasty mixed with a little weight lifting

DB Row

10-10-10-10-10 (each arm)

HS Hold/Plate Hold




Ring Dip with knee raise/Kip



Cash OUT: I know your getting better at running (remember to be a poser)

Run 1 mile


FRIDAY: Chipper? Nah, Ladder? Nah, EMOM? Nah.... AMRAP? YUP!


Buy In: SPM = Strokes per minute

Row 1000m @ 25spm.

Coach Lead mobility


Focus: Did you loose your Clean? 

10 minutes to find

Clean 3RM



You are now leaving the Comfort Zone, You are not aloud to bring the following with you past this point    

- Fear

- "But's"

-  Excuses

- Self imposed limitations

- Negative Self Talk

I hope you Enjoyed your stay and be sure to come back weekly!

17 min AMRAP

20 C&J 95/65

400m run


Cash Out:What's a Tabata with you? You thought you would get out of a week Tabata Free? 

Tabata Russian Twists


Have Fun this week!

I will be thinking of you guys while I'm surfing in Santa Cruz.... :)



”Shark Whisperer”


CrossFit Indestri “The Collingwood Original Crossfit”

200 Mountain Road, Unit 3

Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5

705 444 0006


Crossfit Indestri WOW for week of April 27th 2015


Crossfit Indestri WOW for week of April 12th 2015