Crossfit Indestri WOW for week of April 12th 2015
Spring may have finally Sprung!
Great work last week, I know the work load was a lot and you guys did a great job at scaling when needed and facing the WOD head on!Now if you don't follow us on Face book you may not of seen the taunting by one special member who thought the WOD's were a little lite and could use more work... I'll let this member remain nameless but I do think he may own the Patten for "Stirring the Pot" and I know he's known for Jerry rigging things up for his own amusement. But i won't put his name out there especially by adding it subliminally to that last paragraph. That would be Childish and un called for :)But I would never hold that "Poking of the Bear" against the whole community... Would I? I guess we will find out :)
But I digress,With Warmer weather on the rise there are a few summer benchmarks that will be popping up and I really hope you get in the box for these as they are going to show up a few times to see if we are improving. This includes... "The Bridge Run"... Don don dahh. Now I know a lot of you are thinking I really don't want to run. Well we plan to change that mind set, we want you to enjoy or at least not dread running. How do we do this? plain and simple, we run. we started the last few weeks and will only increase, we do not expect you to crush it right off the hop. But all of you by the end of the summer will run better! You will do it with technique just like you clean, snatch and do gymnastic type skills.
New Classes to help you refine your skills!
We have had some new additions since the new year, in the last few months and in the next couple weeks we have added or will be adding a few classes to the schedule to help you refine your skills and crush more weekly WOD's. The following classes have started or starting this week.
At Indestri you get more than just Crossfit
Yoga: To allow you to find mobility, balance and some inner peace.
Coach: Vicki RowsellCrossfit plus MembershipDay/Time: Monday & Wednesday @ 7:40pm(If you want to hang out after the 6:30 class please take the conversation outside so the Yoga class can have silence.)
Weight Lifting Class: Purpose is to help refine Olympic lifting skills
Coach: Dillon FremlinDay & Time: Thursday @ 6:30pmDillon is one of the best technical lifters we have and along with certifications to back it up he also is a perfectionist. Pay attention here and you will become a better lifter.
Gym-Nasty: Work on your gymnastic Skills and learn through progressions how to make them better. (6 weeks long)
Coach: Steph McKeanCrossfit plus MembershipDay & Time: Friday @ 6:30pmThis is a great way to learn and spend time on those skills you need to be faster and more efficient in WOD's - Coach Steph comes from a gymnastics background and well certified to increase your skills.
Endurance WOD: In this class you can learn to run, row, swim, bike & you may even learn to skip. You will become a better endurance athlete or perfect a skill you are already good at!
Coach: Sarah HornbyDay & Time: Saturday @ 8:00amSarah is a Multi accomplished Tri-athlete, Competitive swimmer, Runner, Cyclist, Rower and can you say Iron Man competitor? If you want to be able to handle the longer wods... show up here.
The Heavy: Strongman, dirty heavy lifting... learn to move awkward objects and get stronger!
Coach: Todd GreeningDay & Time: Saturday @ 10:00amThis is a great way to build overall strength and learn different techniques to move objects other than a barbell!
Mobility: after a week long of building muscles and pushing your body to the limit... you need to take time to breakdown and rebuild.. do it here!
Coach: Dillon FremlinDay & Time: Sunday @ 9:00amCoach D knows what its like to be sore... and he knows how to warm up and cool down as age will teach you a few things ;) but for real he is a wealth of knowledge in mobility and certified to back it up!
Barbells & Benchmarks: This is a class you can learn to refine your lifting skills as well as learn to implement strategy into your benchmark WOD's & lifts.
Coach: Dillon FremlinDay & Time: Sunday @ 10:00amA great way to build technique and implement strategy into your weekly WOD's
Tip Of The Week
- Stand over barbell with balls of feet positioned under bar hip width or slightly wider than hip width apart.
- Squat down and grip bar with very wide overhand grip. Position shoulders over bar with back arched tightly.
- Arms are straight with elbows pointed along bar.
- Deadlift bar up off floor by extending hips and knees.
- As bar reaches knees, back stays upright and maintains same angle to floor as in starting position.
- When barbell passes knees, vigorously raise shoulders while keeping bar as close to legs as possible.
- When bar passes upper thighs, allow it to contact thighs. Jump upward extending body.
- Shrug shoulders and pull barbell upward with arms, allowing elbows to pull up to sides, keeping them over bar as long as possible.
- Aggressively pull body under bar.
- Catch bar at arm's length before knees bend lower than 90°.
- As soon as barbell is caught on locked out arms in partial squat position, stand up with barbell over head immediately so thighs ride no lower than parallel to floor.
Keys to think about:
- set up your snatch grip – bar in hip crease determines grip width
- push shoulders back
- weight is on heels to mid foot (spread the floor)
- bend knees a couple of inches
- jump and Shrug
- double fist punch to the roof
- feet hit the floor the same time the elbows lock out
- when locked out arm pits should be facing forward
- finish the movement - stand tall
MONDAY: If Crossfit is what you want?
Buy In: I love music, don't you? You will be singing this all day!Run 800mClean & Jerk warm up with PVCTUBTHUMPING - CHUMBAWUMBACLEAN & JERK ON "I GET KNOCKED DOWN"Keep the weight light! Focus: I don't recommend chilli as your pre-fuel before this.OHS5-5-5-5-5
WOD: Crossfit is what you'll get!
50 DU
25 kb swings 24/16
15 K2E
CashOut: gym nasty not gym nice
2x30 sec with 30 sec rest handstand hold
TUESDAY: Do you feel Randy?
Buy In: How's your Snatch?
Run 400m
3 Rds
15 squats
10 ring rows
5 push ups
Dynamic run warm up
Focus: "And I was Running"
2x 800m Rest 1 minute between runs
WOD: Be a Hero today
Hero WOD: "Randy"
In honor of Randy Simmons, 51, a 27 year LAPD veteran and SWAT team member who was killed February 6 in the line of duty. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Officer Simmons’ wife and two children.First posted 13 February 2008
FOR TIME: 75# Power Snatch 75 reps
CashOut: Roll those glutes out!
WEDNESDAY: Indestri a great place to Hang around!
Buy In: Skipping still Happens in the warm weather
50 Jumping Jacks
50 Singles Skip
50 Front 2 Back Skip
50 Side to Side
50Double Unders
Group Mobility
Focus: If you're gonna hang around you might as well clean something
Hang Power Clean
WOD: Am I a Rapper?
AMRAP 12 mins:
10 HPC RX105/75 Rx+ 135/105,
10 atomic sit up,
5 pull ups,
5 front squat (clean it up)
Cash Out: I wrote the Patten on this one.....
Tabata Lunges
Buy In: Why Burpees? Why not?Run 800m6 Min EMOM6 Burpee box jump overs
Strength Day: Strength and Skill!
Tall Snatch
3xME Pull ups
75ft HandStand walk or 20 wall walkers
Cash OUT: So give me the run down here..Run a mile
FRIDAY: If you Push me I'll Push Press back. :)
Buy In: A Smorgesh Board of Cardio
Run 400m
Row 400m
Skip 100 single or 50 DU
Group shoulder Mobility
Focus: I think salt & Peppa said It best.. Push it real good
Push Press
5RFT - 20 min Cap
400m Run
25 WB
15 Box Jumps
5 push press RX105/75 Rx+ 135/105
Cash Out: I think my point is made
5 Min EMOM Plank Holds
45 sec hold
15 sec rest
Have a great week and enjoy the forecasted weather! I have only one phrase for you "The Bridge Run is Coming"
Your's Truly
CrossFit Indestri “The Collingwood Original Crossfit”
200 Mountain Road, Unit 3
Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5
705 444 0006