Santa's WOD Shop - Tuesday, Nov, 22/17

Santa's WOD Shop

We had a great time on Saturday evening at the annual Collingwood Santa's Claus Parade.  Despite the pouring rain, it was a blast to bring CrossFit Indestri's, Santa's WOD Shop to Collingwood.  Thank you to all the members who joined is, in squatting, lifting PVC present barbells, dragging sleds, hammering tires, etc.  It was great way to show the Collingwood community, our CFI community, and to show everyone that CrossFit isn't scary or crazy, that we have lots of fun and that it's for all ages and athletic abilities.We hope to make Santa's WOD Shop in the Collingwood Santa Claus Parade an annual event for CFI and hope to have many more of you join us next year!Special thanks to Coach Neal who had his grade 10 construction technology class at CCI help build the frame for Santa's WOD Shop, to UG Series for lending us the trailer and Hanna Motors of the use of the truck, and once again, a thank you to all of the members who joined us!  Tis the season…..

Reminder - No 6:30pm Class as we have fuelSchool.  Come out at 6:30pm and increase your knowledge on nutrition, in particular the paleo and ketogenic diets.  Again, fuelSchool is not a sales pitch, but rather a nutritional session and discussion.Also reminder that our Holiday Party tickets are for sale at the front desk and selling fast.  Tickets include dinner.  It's always a great meal and a fun time! 

Tuesday November 21, 2017


Sh. Press5-3-175%-85%-95%.


For time:70 Burpees60 Hollow Rocks50 Kettlebell swings, 24/1640 Goblet Lunge 24/1630 Pull ups.

Level 2:

For time:70 Burpees60 Hollow Rocks50 Kettlebell swings, 20/1240 Goblet Lunge 20/1230 Banded Pull ups.

Level 1: Technique

For time: Choose a weight you can move consistently70 Burpees60Hollow Rocks50 Kettlebell swings40 Goblet Squat30 Ring Rows.

Level 4: Competitor

For time:70 Burpees60 Hollow Rocks50 Kettlebell swings, 32/2440 GB Squat30 C2B.

Cash Out:

Coaches Choice.Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.

Contact us:

Address200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5
Phone(705) 444-0006
Follow us:

Live - Wednesday Nov 22/17


Increase your knowledge - Monday Nov, 20/17