Knowledge Bomb - Thursday May 4/17
Knowledge Bomb
The secrets to getting stronger. Check out this great video by Brute Strength!Less is more and here is why. In the CrossFit community we sometimes fall victim to this idea that the more we do the better we will get, but at its very foundation our bodies adaptation requires recovery. Nick Fowler with Brute Strength, goes into detail about how training and recovery actually effect our bodies.Get out of the mindset that by doing more, your going to get more out of your training. If you don't allow your body time to recover, the training that your doing that day is pretty much useless! This is not the first time you've heard us mention it, recovery should be just as important as your training!Take a few mins to watch / listen to the video posted below to find out more.
Hijacking your parasympathetic nervous system
How do you go about ensuring your recovering properly? Here's some great insight from Brute Knowledge Bomb director of strength and conditioning, Nick Fowler, on 5 tips to manually aid in inducing a recovery state and how it can be beneficial to your long term goals and fitness.Watch the video to see, but here are the 5 bullet points.
- Cool down
- Foam Roll
- Post workout nutrition
- Contrast showers
- Meditation (or mindful breathing like ROMWOD)
We know your serious about your training. We watch you train in the gym day in and day out. If you're not as serious about your recovery as you are about your training, then you're not seeing all the benefit you could be! It's time to get serious about recovery too!
Thursday May 4, 2017
Row2 x1000mRest 1:1
After & before your Metcon, work through the following3 x 20 step ups3 x 20 Single leg Russian Dead lifts ( no touch at reset)5x10 Db curls5 x 10 banded tricep pull downs.Workout Of the Day:Triatholon500m Ski50 Cal Bike500m Row.Lvl 2 Fitness400m Ski40 Cal Bike400m Row.Lvl 1 Technique250m25 cal250m. .Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD.