Benchmark Girls - Feb 8/17
Benchmark Girls
Many people ask why CrossFit benchmarks workouts are named after girls. Coach Greg Glassman, Founder and President of CrossFit explains it as, "I thought that anything that left you flat on your back, looking up at the sky asking ‘what just happened to me?’ deserved a females name. Workouts are just like storms, they wreak havoc on towns.”So after this one, when your lying on your back looking up at the ceiling, you can utter Cindy!
Wednesday February 8th 2017
Sh. Press 3x8 @ 75%.
Workout Of the Day: Benchmarks - 20 mins
Cindy or (Mary for lvl 4)20 Min AMRAP5 Pull Ups10 Push ups15 Air Squats.Lvl 2 Fitness20 Min AMRAP5 Banded Strict Pull Ups10 Push ups ( can use box)15 Air Squats.Lvl 1 Technique15 Min AMRAP5 Ring rows5 Box or knee Push ups15 Air Squats to Ball.Lvl 4 CompMARYComplete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:5 Handstand Push-ups10 One legged squats, alternating15 Pull-ups.
Cash Out: 10 min cap
75-100 empty barbell back rack or just no weight reverse lunges..Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD