24.1 Theme - Wednesday, February 28th, 2024

24.1 Theme

Just a reminder for those who haven’t seen it on our social media, or in the previous posts, the Theme for week 1, 24.1 is Barbie and Ken. Think pinks, blues, neons, bright colours, etc.

We’ll post more details on Friday’s blog after we know what the workout will be, but for those competing Saturday and judging please aim to be here at 8:30am. The briefing will take place at 8:45am and so we need all athletes and judges here for the briefing.

We’re going to try and make arrangements to have cars be able to park at the front of Agnora and walk over through the fence area as there will not be enough parking in front of the gym. We’ll update that on Friday’s blog too.

If you’re still thinking about registering for the open get to it now. We need everyone who is registering to do so before Saturday. Ideally right now while you’re online.

Also, if you are competing this Saturday, be smart about your training this week. You can absolutely still train, but train smart.

Wednesday, February 28th, 2024


Snatch Balance
2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2


For Time:

20 Power Snatch 95/65
20 Cal Row
20 Wall Balls 20/14 to 11/10ft
15 Power Snatch 115/75
15 Cal Row
15 Wall Balls 20/14 to 11/10ft
10 Snatch 135/95
10 Cal Row
10 Wall Balls 20/14 to 11/10ft

Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD .
Contact us: Address: 200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5 Phone: (705) 444-0006 Follow us on Instagram @crossfit_indestri


‘Twas the Eve - Thursday, February 29th, 2024


This is the week - Tuesday, February 27th, 2024